The Mathematics of Financial Modelingand Investment Management

(Brent) #1

Index Page 777 Wednesday, February 4, 2004 1:13 PM

Index 777

Tracking errors (Cont.)
bond portfolio strategies,
relationship, 651–652
determinants, 654
minimization, 558
multi-factor risk approach, 9
portfolio beta, 556–560
Tracking portfolio, 564
Trade horizon, 734
Trading. See Pair trading
activity, 532
constraints, 664
costs, control, 552
date, 180
gains, 443–445
halts, 28
restrictions, 28
strategies, 403–404, 443–445
Traditional asset classes, 3–4
Training data, 318
costs, 32, 63. See also Capital
frequency, 23
Transforms. See Fourier trans-
forms; Integrals; Laplace
Transition matrix, 542, 703–706
Transpose. See Matrices
operation, 153–154, 156–157
Treasury yield curve. See U.S.
Treasury yield curve
Trend stationary series, 309. See
also Multidimensional
trend stationary series
Trends. See Integrated trends
Triangular matrix. See Lower
triangular matrix; Upper
triangular matrix
Turnbull, Stuart, 684, 696, 698,
703, 730. See also Jar-
row-Turnbull Model
Turner, Christopher, 690
Two-factor stochastic volatility
model, 741
Two-sided Laplace transform,
Two-sided transform, 136
Two-stage stochastic optimiza -
tion problem, 676–677
Unbiased expectations theory,
Uncertainty, 737
representation, mathematics
(usage), 165–167
Uncorrelated variables, 188
Underlying asset
current price, 68
position, 65
Underwriting. See Securities
Undiversification, quantification,

Unexpected Loss (UL), 391, 747
Unique risk, 515

Uniqueness, theorem, 274
Univariate ARMA models. See
Nonstationary univariate
ARMA models; Stationary
univariate ARMA models
Univariate marginal distribu -
tions, 732
Univariate moving average. See
Stationary univariate mov-
ing average
Univariate normal distribution, 194
Univariate stationary series, 288–

Univariate time series, 340
University of Chicago, 81
University of Dijon, 79
University of Lausanne, 77
Unstructured data/information, 16
Unsystematic risk, 515
elimination, 556
factors, 86
Upper Riemann sum, 127
Upper triangular matrix, 148
Upstairs market, 50
Uryasev, Stanislav, 749
U.S. bonds, 3
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE),

U.S. Federal Reserve, 754–755
U.S. government bonds, 3
U.S. municipal bonds, 4
U.S. Office of the Controller of
the Currency. See Quar-
terly Derivatives Report
U.S. Treasury bonds, 600, 606
U.S. Treasury market, 632
U.S. Treasury spot rates, 606
U.S. Treasury strips, 667
U.S. Treasury yield curve, 599
construction, 600
measurement, 601
usage, 602. See also Spot rates
U.S. Treasury zero-coupon
bonds, 667
Utility functions, 77, 482–484,
487–490. See also Linear
utility function; Loga-
rithmic utility function;
Power utility function;
Quadratic utility func-
tion; Time-separable util-
ity function
defining, 82
Utility maximization framework,

Valuation. See American options;
European simple derivatives
formula, 429
principles. See Debt instruments
stocks, 3
understanding, 83–85
Value at Risk (VaR), 748. See
also Conditional VaR

noncoherence, 749
Value Line Composite Average
(VLCA), 46, 47
Van Meer, Robert, 751
van Norden, Simon, 545
Vanguard Group, 650
Vapnik, Vladimir N., 317, 319
Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) the -
ory. See Learning
Vardharaj, Raman, 532, 556, 558,
582, 583, 586, 588. 590
Variable interest rates, convex -
ity, 120
Variable short-term rates, 619
Variables, 101. See also Gaussian
variables; Random vari-
ables; Stochastic variables;
Uncorrelated variables
calculus, usage, 138–139
characteristic function, 193
co-movement, 189
covariance, 328
definition, 101
IID sequence, 537
sum, 191–193
Variance portfolios. See Mini-
mum variance portfolios
Variance-covariance matrix, 82, 147,
324, 329. See also Diagonal
variance-covariance matrix;
n×n symmetrical variance-
covariance matrix
eigenvalue, 336
modeling, 347
PCA, performing, 543
usage, 335, 534
values. See Factor variance-
covariance matrix
growth, 277
standard deviations, substitu -
tions, 481
Variation margin, 58, 62
Variational methodologies, 674
Variational principle, 673–674
Variations. See Total variation
calculus, 201–202, 212–214
VARMA model, 542
Vasicek, Oldrich, 636
Vasicek Model, 635, 636
Vector Autoregressive (VAR). See
One-lag stationary VAR
models, 316, 338, 348. See
also Global VAR model;
Stationary VAR model
usage, 541
Vector support machines, 547
Vectors, 141–144. See also Column
vectors; Eigenvectors; Ran-
dom vectors; Row vectors
autoregressive models, 338–339
components, 141–142
Euclidean length, 143
norm, 143
operations, 153–156
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