On Food and Cooking
and they begin to provide a noticeable sweetness when left in wines at levels around 1%. Sweet dess ...
and tropical fruits, flowers, leaves, wood, spices, animal scents, cooked foods of all kinds, even ...
metabolism and growth. The yeasts and 400 generations of winemakers, who noticed and cultivated those incidental pleasure ...
alcohol. It’s quicker and easier to grow than the grapevine, much more productive in a given acreage, c ...
into fermentable sugars. Inca women found the enzymes in their own saliva: they made chicha by chewing on groun ...
barley and wheat beers were being brewed in Egypt, Babylon, and Sumeria by the third millennium BC ...
fermentation is less tricky and drawn out. To the Greeks and Romans, beer remained an imitation wine ma ...
Name of Drink Region Main Ingredient Chicha South America Boiled maize, chewed to contribute saliva enzymes Manioc be ...
much of Europe. Monasteries brewed it for themselves and for nearby settlements. By the 9th century, al ...
that hops, the resinous cones of the vine Humulus lupulus, a relative of marijuana, came into ...
soaked, partly sprouted cereal grain comes from an Indo-European root meaning “soft.” Words that are ...
(from the German lagern, “to store,” “to lay down”) remained distinctly Bavarian until the 1840s, when the spec ...
discovered that ale kept in a corked bottle would become bubbly. Quite early on, the discovery ...
drink beer at home instead of at the tavern, bubbly beer became the rule. Specialty Malts The 18th ...
caloric than they were 200 years ago. Food Words: Ale and Beer; Brew The original English word for a fe ...
colonists seem to have been more interested in making whiskey than beer (p. 760). We had no strong ...
Without the large supply of ice necessary to make lager beer, San Francisco brewers used the yeast and techniqu ...
that both brew and serve beer, and home brewing. Some of these small enterprises have grown ...
restarts its biochemical machinery and produces various enzymes, including some that break down ...
digestion to a minimum and malts for a shorter time; for a darker malt that will benefit from more sugar ...
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