On Food and Cooking
particular can be quite good. However, domestic freezers are warmer than commercial freezers and allow undesi ...
that sea creatures accumulate in their cells to balance the salt in the water, crustaceans favor glycine, wh ...
crustaceans are generally sold to consumers either frozen, cooked, or alive. Most “fresh” raw shrimp have ...
its own nerve cluster, so it’s hard to know whether or how pain can be minimized. The most sensible-soundi ...
Temperate-water shrimp belong to a slower- growing group and are usually smaller (a maximum of 6 in/ ...
is the end of the digestive tube, and can be gritty with the sand from which the animals glean bacteria a ...
kg. Crayfish are the most easily cultured of the crustaceans, and have been raised in natural ...
Lobsters and crayfish are often sold live to consumers. The prime season for Louisiana crayfish is general ...
enzymes can also damage the surrounding muscle. The dark, sometimes gritty “vein” along the tail mus ...
or cooked and processed into shell-less meat. This meat is then sold fresh, or pasteurized, or frozen ...
watched carefully and removed from salt water as soon as they shed their old shell, since t ...
of fish and animal species with backbones, from snails just a millimeter across to giant clams and squids. ...
burrow into the sand with their foot. Modifications of the mantle have provided them with two pegs o ...
their body is the tender mantle and food- trapping gills. Scallops neither attach nor bury themselves. They li ...
suspended in nets or on ropes, and grow rapidly thanks to the good circulation of oxygen and nutrie ...
“adductor” (from the Latin adducere, “to bring together”), which extends between the broad ends of the shell ...
the muscle fibers in place once they’ve shortened, and reinforcement with large amounts of connective-tissu ...
food particles. Clams, mussels, and oysters are thus slick and both crunchy and tender when ...
Mollusc Flavor Oysters, clams, and mussels are prized for their rich, mouth-filling taste, especially when ...
water, the more savory the shellfish. This fact accounts for at least some of the flavor differences among ...
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