political science
chapter 25 ..................................................................................................................... ...
politician consists partly in leading parties from initially disparate positions to sustainable compromise, and partly inWnding ...
budget balance. 1 Politicians therefore have incentives to support all three, but they are not mutually consistent. A variety of ...
If inXation is regarded as a tax, it is evident that the availability of this option does not lead to any relaxation of the bala ...
large deWcits, exacerbated by the economic downturn beginning in 1990 .By 1993 – 4 , the deWcit approached nearly 8 per cent of ...
example, a country like the United States, which consistently has a deWcit on the current account, mustby deWnitionhave a surplu ...
The most pessimistic view, called ‘‘crowding out,’’ is that investment will decline as private savings are used to fund the budg ...
However, recent improvements in communications are merely a continuation of a long-standing trend. For most of the twentieth cen ...
. getting rid of quotas and domestic monopolies; . increasing exports; . privatizing state-owned industries and utilities; . der ...
Over the last century, governments have responded to this trilemma in very diVerent ways. The economy of the nineteenth century, ...
pull funds not only out of Thailand, but out of all the major economies in Southeast Asia (as well as Korea and Taiwan). One of ...
means that there is a trade-oVbetween any two items of consumption, given by their relative market prices. The example can be ta ...
price was low enough to permit a gradual increase in the ratio of public expenditure to national income, with a corresponding in ...
Feldstein, M., and Horioka,C. 1980. Domestic saving and international capitalXows. Economic Journal, 90 ( 358 ):314 29. Finer,S. ...
chapter 26 ..................................................................................................................... ...
Human nature as expressed through motives for action provides another core constraint on political feasibility. As the history o ...
for justice makes democracy possible; but man’s inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary’’ (Niebuhr 1944 , xii). Let m ...
out, but it’s just not possible.’’ Sometimes what the supervisor says is true, and when so, unobjectionable as well as dispositi ...
and decisions and had failed to clarify the relation between structure and agency. The work of Anthony Giddens ( 1984 ) exempliW ...
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