political science
Miller,D. 1995 .On Nationality. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 2001. Distributing responsibilities.Journal of Political Philosophy, 9 ...
chapter 36 ..................................................................................................................... ...
These tools are both conceptual and analytic. They provide a theoretical basis for judging the relative worth of competing polic ...
is often seen as reXecting anti-democratic tendencies. Yet from the perspective of welfare economics, eYciency carries surprisin ...
decision making or bureaucratic implementation. In making public policy, govern- ment allocates resources through a process of c ...
The central obstacle with making the economic concept of eYciency the basis for assessing policy alternatives or outcomes is tha ...
for pursuing public policies that increase theaverageutility of citizens, and doing so is assumed to promote the greatest good f ...
then alternative A is more eYcient and maximizes social welfare (this situation represents a Pareto outcome). If we add up the W ...
The same basic principle can be applied to public polices or programs by simply aggregating demand curves relative to public goo ...
niques (especially CBA) constitute the primary economic tools used by policy scholars to analyze problems of social choice (Levi ...
problem. Part and parcel of any good cost analysis is an accompanying sensitivity analysis. The latter involves varying input an ...
QALY allows health researchers to assess medical treatments on a more holistic level than a single outcome (see Drummond et al. ...
As long as the inputs and outcomes of a policy can be reasonably translated into monetary units, CBA thus oVers an unparalleled ...
by monetary estimates to the contrary, regardless of their underlying methodological creativity or sophistication. Yet while ack ...
modiWcations of eYciency, let alone the methodological calculations, can seem complex to those uninitiated into the welfare econ ...
Brewer,D.J.,Krop, C., Gill, B. P., and Reichardt,R. 1999. Estimating the cost of national class size reductions under diVerent p ...
McKean,R.N. 1958 .EYciency in Government through Systems Analysis with Emphasis on Water Resources Development. New York: John W ...
Willig,R.D. 1976. Consumer surplus without apology.American Economic Review, 66 : 589 97. Zeckhauser,R. 1974. Procedures for val ...
chapter 37 ..................................................................................................................... ...
Privatization, the paticipation of the private sector in the delivery of public services, and the application of private sector ...
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