and failure of 635 6
and neighborhood associations675 6
neocorporatism 561
and New Public Management 449 , 455
and welfare state reform 859
and income inequality 304
and penal policy 322
and poverty 615
networked governance:
and critical policy analysis 199 200
and government as steering14 15
and policy making11 13
and accountability439 40, 486
and diVusion 371
and dispersal of power 200
and economic behavior413 14
and governance 414
and joined up governance 461
and management of:
institutional approach 433
instrumental approach 432
interaction approach432 3
and network analysis 425
and networks of practice 378
and organizational analysis 485 6
see alsoissue networks; policy network
New Deal (USA) 178 , 345 , 554 , 559 , 659
and independent agencies236 7
and social security 868
new institutional economics 16 , 499
and New Public Management 451
and regulatory policy 661
newinstitutionalism, and policy
networks431 2
New Labour 153 , 213
and Anti Social Behaviour Orders
(ASBOs)217 18
New Public Management:
and Australia 451 , 457
and bureaucratic politics 454
and control questions453 4
and cultural norms455 6
and decontextualized solutions 454
and desirability of454 6, 462
and economic theory of theWrm15 16
employment relationship 16
produce/buy decision 16
and eVectiveness452 3, 462
and eYciency449 50, 452 , 462
and evaluation processes 455
and feasibility of452 3, 462
and features of449 52
borrowing from private sector
practices 450
inconsistencies451 2
neglect of character of public sector/
civil service 451
and health care system 756
and ideological war over 455
and impact of 462
accountability problems459 60
anti political tendencies 458
autonomous agencies 459
competitive tendering 456
consumer orientation 457
eYciency 456
increased bureaucracy 456
public goals457 8
role of administrative leaders458 9
role of executives 459
service provision456 7
weakening of political control458 9
workforce under 457
and joined up government460 2
and monitoring and control 15
and national variations:
cultural/historical context 463
environment for 463
structural/instrumental factors463 4
and networked governance199 200
and New Zealand449 50, 451 , 454 , 456 ,
457 , 459 , 463
and joined up government 462
and Norway 458
and origins of policy 213
and past its peak of inXuence 463
and perspectives on:
antithesis to centralized state 448
as corporate culture 449
962 subject index