Programming in C
200 Chapter 10 Character Strings int stringLength (const char string[]) { int count = 0; while ( string[count] != '\0' ) ++count ...
Variable-Length Character Strings 201 Initializing and Displaying Character Strings Now, it is time to go back to the concatfunc ...
202 Chapter 10 Character Strings can be used to display the entire contents of the wordarray at the terminal.The printf function ...
Variable-Length Character Strings 203 for ( j = 0; str2[j] != '\0'; ++j ) result[i + j] = str2[j]; // Terminate the concatenated ...
204 Chapter 10 Character Strings Testing Two Character Strings for Equality You cannot directly test two strings to see if they ...
Variable-Length Character Strings 205 return areEqual; } int main (void) { bool equalStrings (const char s1[], const char s2[]); ...
206 Chapter 10 Character Strings The second call to the equalStringsfunction passes the string stratwice.The function correctly ...
Variable-Length Character Strings 207 If s1,s2,and s3are defined to be character arrays of appropriate sizes, execution of the s ...
208 Chapter 10 Character Strings In the preceding program, the scanffunction is called to read in three character strings: s1,s2 ...
Variable-Length Character Strings 209 Also available from the function library is a function called gets.The sole purpose of thi ...
210 Chapter 10 Character Strings Program 10.6 Output This is a sample line of text. This is a sample line of text. abcdefghijklm ...
Variable-Length Character Strings 211 Program 10.7 Counting Words // Function to determine if a character is alphabetic include ...
212 Chapter 10 Character Strings Program 10.7 Output Well, here goes. - words = 3 And here we go... again. - words = 5 The alpha ...
Variable-Length Character Strings 213 Ta b le 10.1 Execution of the countWordsFunction i string[i] wordCount lookingForWord 0 tr ...
214 Chapter 10 Character Strings of the null string; your concatfunction also properly concatenates “nothing” onto the end of an ...
Variable-Length Character Strings 215 else totalWords += countWords (text); } printf ("\nThere are %i words in the above text.\n ...
216 Chapter 10 Character Strings Escape Characters As alluded to previously, the backslash character has a special significance ...
Escape Characters 217 To include the backslash character itself inside a character string, two backslash char- acters are necess ...
218 Chapter 10 Character Strings consists of nine characters (not counting the terminating null): the character '\033', the doub ...
Character Strings, Structures, and Arrays 219 or newlines.The compiler automatically concatenates adjacent strings together. The ...
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