Programming in C
140 Chapter 8 Working with Functions The first thing that catches your eye inside mainis the prototype declaration for the minim ...
Functions and Arrays 141 Program 8.10 Revising the Function to Find the Minimum Value in an Array // Function to find the minimu ...
142 Chapter 8 Working with Functions In the mainroutine, two arrays called array1and array2are defined to contain five and seven ...
Functions and Arrays 143 When you were examining Program 8.11, your attention surely must have been drawn to the following state ...
144 Chapter 8 Working with Functions means rearranging the values in the array so that the elements progressively increase in va ...
Functions and Arrays 145 Program 8.12 Sorting an Array of Integers into Ascending Order // Program to sort an array of integers ...
146 Chapter 8 Working with Functions Program 8.12 Output The array before the sort: 34 -5 6 0 12 100 56 22 44 -3 -9 12 17 22 6 1 ...
Functions and Arrays 147 An entire multidimensional array can be passed to a function in the same way that a single-dimensional ...
148 Chapter 8 Working with Functions void scalarMultiply (int matrix[3][5], int scalar); void displayMatrix (int matrix[3][5]); ...
Functions and Arrays 149 printf ("\n"); } } Program 8.13 Output Original matrix: 7 16 55 13 12 12 10 52 0 7 -2 1 2 4 9 Multiplie ...
150 Chapter 8 Working with Functions The scalarMultiplyfunction is called a second time to multiply the now modified elements of ...
Functions and Arrays 151 { int row, column; for ( row = 0; row < nRows; ++row ) for ( column = 0; column < nCols; ++column ...
152 Chapter 8 Working with Functions you get an error from the compiler because it doesn’t know about nRowsand nCols when it see ...
Global Variables 153 In Program 8.14, four global variables are defined. Each of these variables is used by at least two functio ...
154 Chapter 8 Working with Functions const char baseDigits[16] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', ' ...
Global Variables 155 much improved readability of this program over the equivalent one from Chapter 7 is a direct result of the ...
156 Chapter 8 Working with Functions So remember that while global variables have default initial values of zero, local vari- ab ...
Automatic and Static Variables 157 void auto_static (void) { static int staticVar = 100; . . . } the value of staticVaris initia ...
158 Chapter 8 Working with Functions int i; void auto_static (void); for ( i = 0; i < 5; ++i ) auto_static (); return 0; } Pr ...
Recursive Functions 159 Recursive Functions The C language supports a capability known as recursivefunction. Recursive functions ...
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