Programming in C
380 Chapter 17 Miscellaneous and Advanced Features Command-Line Arguments Many times, a program is developed that requires the u ...
Command-Line Arguments 381 If the previous command is executed, the system automatically passes to maina point- er to the charac ...
382 Chapter 17 Miscellaneous and Advanced Features If argcis equal to 2, the lookupfunction is called to find the word pointed t ...
Dynamic Memory Allocation 383 the output file by argv[2]. After opening the first file for reading and the second file for writi ...
384 Chapter 17 Miscellaneous and Advanced Features It is frequently desirable, if not necessary, to be able to dynamicallyalloca ...
Dynamic Memory Allocation 385 The dynamic memory allocation functions are declared in the standard header file , which should be ...
386 Chapter 17 Miscellaneous and Advanced Features Use the sizeofoperator wherever possible to avoid having to calculate and har ...
Dynamic Memory Allocation 387 and could then proceed to call the callocfunction to reserve the appropriate number of elements da ...
388 Chapter 17 Miscellaneous and Advanced Features struct entry { int value; struct entry *next; }; Here is a function called ad ...
18 Debugging Programs 18 Debugging Programs THIS CHAPTER TEACHES YOU TWO TECHNIQUESyou can use to debug your programs. One invol ...
390 Chapter 18 Debugging Programs int main (void) { int i, j, k, nread; nread = scanf ("%d %d %d", &i, &j, &k); #ifd ...
Debugging with the Preprocessor 391 fprintfs never make it to the compiler (they’re removed from the program by the pre- process ...
392 Chapter 18 Debugging Programs fprintf (stderr, "return %i\n", val); #endif return val; } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { ...
Debugging with the Preprocessor 393 You can define a macro that can take a variable number of arguments to produce your debuggin ...
394 Chapter 18 Debugging Programs Program 18.3 Output $ gcc pre3.c $ a.out 8 12 processed 2 arguments arg1 = 8, arg2 = 12 proces ...
Debugging Programs with gdb 395 ifdef DEBON define DEBUG(level, fmt, ...) \ if (Debug >= level) \ fprintf (stderr, fmt, __VA_ ...
396 Chapter 18 Debugging Programs Your C program must be compiled with the gcccompiler using the -goption to make full use of gd ...
Debugging Programs with gdb 397 When gdbis ready to accept commands, it displays a (gdb)prompt. In our simple example, you’re si ...
398 Chapter 18 Debugging Programs Oops! That’s not good.You have only five elements in the array and you tried to access the 233 ...
Debugging Programs with gdb 399 A function can be specified as part of the variable name in the form function::variableto refere ...
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