Programming in C
460 Appendix A C Language Summary expressionis evaluated and compared against the constant expression values constant_1,constant ...
9.0 The Preprocessor 461 ??> } ??/ \ ??' ^ ??! | ??- ~ 9.2 Preprocessor Directives All preprocessor directives begin with the ...
462 Appendix A C Language Summary If a definition requires more than one line, each line to be continued must be ended with a ba ...
9.0 The Preprocessor 463 produces printf ("x10 = %i\n", x10); after substitution and concatenation of the character strings. Spa ...
464 Appendix A C Language Summary causes the code between the #ifand #endifto be processed if the identifier DEBUGhas been previ ...
9.0 The Preprocessor 465 In either format, a previously defined name can be supplied and expansion occurs. So the following sequ ...
466 Appendix A C Language Summary 9.3 Predefined Identifiers The identifiers listed in Table A.8 are defined by the preprocessor ...
B The Standard C Library B The Standard C Library THE STANDARDC LIBRARY CONTAINSa large selection of functions that might be cal ...
468 Appendix B The Standard C Library size_t The type of integer produced by the sizeof operator wchar_t The type of the integer ...
Standard Header Files 469 <stdbool.h> This header file contains definitions for working with Boolean variables (type _Bool ...
470 Appendix B The Standard C Library A few other useful definitions from this header file are as follows: Define Meaning intptr ...
String Functions 471 char *strerror (n) Returns the error message associated with error number n. size_t strcspn (s1, s2) Counts ...
472 Appendix B The Standard C Library is found and returns a pointer to the start of the token. On subsequent calls,s1 should be ...
I/O Functions 473 Character Functions The following functions deal with single characters.To use them, you must include the file ...
474 Appendix B The Standard C Library Included in this file are declarations for the I/O functions and definitions for the names ...
I/O Functions 475 FILE *fopen (fileName, accessMode) Opens the specified file with the indicated access mode.Valid modes are "r" ...
476 Appendix B The Standard C Library associated with filePtr. If the freopencall is successful,filePtris returned; other- wise, ...
I/O Functions 477 size_t fwrite (buffer, size, n, filePtr) Writes nitems of data from bufferto the specified file. Each item of ...
478 Appendix B The Standard C Library int puts (buffer) Writes the characters contained in bufferto stdoutuntil a null character ...
String-to-Number Conversion 479 int sprintf (buffer, format, arg1, arg2, ..., argn) The specified arguments are converted accord ...
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