Environmental Biotechnology - Theory and Application
224 Environmental Biotechnology Transgenic Plants Currently, genetic engineering in agribiotechnology is focusing on genetic mod ...
Genetic Manipulation 225 into the genome, rather than at a defined site. However, both methods enjoy the advantage that DNA ente ...
226 Environmental Biotechnology genes may be cut out and replaced by DNA containing the gene of choice to be introduced into the ...
Genetic Manipulation 227 petunias. In this case, the gene was expressed behind a CaMV promoter and introduced usingA. tumefacien ...
228 Environmental Biotechnology (De Cosaet al. 2001) which, because of their prokaryotic ancestry, have ‘protein synthesising ma ...
Genetic Manipulation 229 mutant bacteria in a community dominated by the wild type as, frequently, the latter will soon outnumbe ...
230 Environmental Biotechnology Developments in the use of transgenic plants for bioremediation have been reviewed (Francovaet a ...
Genetic Manipulation 231 Bizily, S.P., Rugh, C.L. and Meagher, R.B. (2000) Phytodetoxification of haz- ardous organomercurials b ...
232 Environmental Biotechnology tolerance to glyphosate,Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-General Subjects, 1568 : 1–6. Hughes, M.A. ...
Genetic Manipulation 233 Slater, S., Mitsky, T.A., Houmiel, K.L., Hao, M., Reiser, S.E., Taylor, N.B., Tran, M., Valentin, H.E., ...
10 Integrated Environmental Biotechnology The essence of environmental biotechnology as an applied science, as we have set out t ...
236 Environmental Biotechnology commercial success nor environmental stewardship is particularly important for the long-term fut ...
Integrated Environmental Biotechnology 237 situation is less than ideal. For one thing, burning denies the bridge discussed abov ...
238 Environmental Biotechnology Figure 10.1 The biomass and bioenergy cycle one form or another, of which around 1× 1011 tonnes ...
Integrated Environmental Biotechnology 239 Hydrogenotrophes Acetoclasts Figure 10.2 The methanisation of biowaste Many of these ...
240 Environmental Biotechnology Stage V – Cellulose becomes fully decomposed, ultimately leading to zero methane and carbon dio ...
Integrated Environmental Biotechnology 241 treatment has clear appeal. However, as was also pointed out in the same earlier segm ...
242 Environmental Biotechnology Figure 10.4 Energy from biogas utilisation other uses. A representative energy flow for gas-engi ...
Integrated Environmental Biotechnology 243 than two years, came at the same time as a fall in sugar revenue following a slump in ...
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