Estimating in Building Construction
28 4–1 Organization The estimator must maintain a high degree of organization throughout the estimate development stage. A well- ...
Every page of the estimate should be numbered and ini- tialed by the person who prepared that portion of the esti- mate. In addi ...
Listed below are the steps in working up a detailed esti- mate. These steps should form a basis for estimating, so it is importa ...
The Estimate 31 expertise and estimate ownership will be enhanced. The information that is obtained from the site visit will inf ...
32 CHAPTER FOUR 4–7 Specialty Contractors Aspecialty contractororsubcontractoris a separate contrac- tor hired by the prime cont ...
The Estimate 33 should be communicating with the specific subcontractors concerning the fact that they will submit a price quote ...
34 CHAPTER FOUR used to quantify reinforcing steel. A spreadsheet version of Figure 4.6 (Rebar.xls) is provided on the companion ...
Pr oje ct Little Of fice Buildin g Es tim at eN o. Lo ca tio n Littleville, TX Sh ee tN o. Ar ch ite ct U.R. Architect, Inc. Da ...
Every item on this page is supported by workup sheets. A spreadsheet version of Figure 4.7 (Recap.xls) is provided on the compan ...
Web Resources http://www.dcd. ...
38 5–1 Overview During the last 20 years, computers have revolutionized esti- mating. With the advent of cheap personal computer ...
rates from a database, the estimator must determine whether the retrieved data are appropriate for the current estimate. If job ...
40 CHAPTER FIVE FIGURE 5.1.WinEst Estimate Sheet. Courtesy of WinEstimator Inc. FIGURE 5.2.WinEst Database. Courtesy of WinEstim ...
Computers in Estimating 41 for missed items and recall where the individual quanti- ties came from. These software packages per ...
42 CHAPTER FIVE Web Resources http:// ...
43 6–1 Overhead Overhead costs are generally divided into home office over- head costsand job overhead costs.The home office ove ...
44 CHAPTER SIX FIGURE 6.1.Estimated Home Office Costs for One Year. From this, it should be obvious that the more work that can ...
Overhead and Contingencies 45 6–3 JOB OVERHEAD (GENERAL CONDITIONS, DIRECT OVERHEAD) Also referred to as general conditions, dir ...
46 CHAPTER SIX meet the needs of the project, the first call should be to the architect/engineer to discuss the situation. The a ...
Overhead and Contingencies 47 6–4 Scheduling A major underlying determinant of indirect costs associated with a project is how l ...
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