Estimating in Building Construction
68 CHAPTER NINE but should obtain help from someone more experienced if a complex project is being bid. Cut and fill sheets simi ...
Excavation 69 the site drawings. For example, the top of a grate eleva- tion on a catch basin may be denoted on the drawing as e ...
70 CHAPTER NINE FIGURE 9.5.Labeling Convention. FIGURE 9.4.Site Plan Divided into 50Square Grid. can be estimated for that spec ...
Excavation 71 FIGURE 9.6.Grid with Elevations. EXAMPLE 9-4 FILL VOLUME FIGURE 9.7.Excerpt of Grid 13. FIGURE 9.8.Data for Grid 1 ...
72 CHAPTER NINE FIGURE 9.10.Excerpt of Grid 40. EXAMPLE 9-5 CUT VOLUME FIGURE 9.9.Data for Grid 40. FIGURE 9.11.Grid 10. When ...
Excavation 73 The area of the cut equals the area of the grid less the area of the fill. Fill 0. 3 ¿0.4¿ 0 ¿ 0 ¿ 4 1,100 sf ...
74 CHAPTER NINE FIGURE 9.15.Complete Site Plan with Areas of No Change Noted. FIGURE 9.14.Cut and Fill Area. Figure 9.14 shows t ...
Project: Estimate No. 1234 Location Sheet No. 1 of 1 Architect U. R. Architects CUT & FILL Date 1/1/20XX Items Rough Grading ...
76 CHAPTER NINE EXAMPLE 9-8 CUT AND FILL WITH PAVING Average End Area The average end area method of quantifying cut and fill is ...
Excavation 77 EXAMPLE 9-9 CUT AND FILL BETWEEN STATION 00+00 AND STATION 00 75 FIGURE 9.22.Cut Area Calculation at Station 00+0 ...
78 CHAPTER NINE FIGURE 9.23.Road Cut Calculation. Figure 9.23 shows that the cut area at station 0000 is 114.3 sf and 232.4 s ...
Excavation 79 EXAMPLE 9-10 PERIMETER CALCULATIONS Perimeter 340 ¿ 15 ¿ 35 ¿ 30 ¿ 10 ¿ 30 ¿ 10 ¿ 40 ¿ 60 ¿ Perimeter 8 ...
80 CHAPTER NINE EXAMPLE 9-13 EQUIPMENT AND LABOR COST Equipment selection for the removal of topsoil will probably be limited to ...
9–9 General Excavation Included under general (mass) excavation is the removal of all types of soil that can be handled in fairl ...
82 CHAPTER NINE EXAMPLE 9-14 BASEMENT EXCAVATION FIGURE 9.30.Sheet Pilings. FIGURE 9.31.Typical Excavation. Determine the amount ...
Excavation 83 FIGURE 9.32.Building Plan. FIGURE 9.33.Basement Cross-Section. FIGURE 9.34.Basement Cross-Section. ...
84 CHAPTER NINE From the building plan, the exterior dimensions of the base- ment are 26 1 by 32 4 . From the wall section, ...
Excavation 85 FIGURE 9.36.Sketch of Spread Footing. 16 hours Total hours14 equipment hours2 hours for mobilization Equipmen ...
86 CHAPTER NINE From Example 9-14, the basement excavation is 10,997 bcf. Backfill (bcy)4,134 ccf> 27 cf per cy 153 ccy Bac ...
Excavation 87 9–12 Excess and Borrow Once the earthwork has been calculated in terms of excava- tion, backfill, and grading, t ...
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