The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
The 3 Letters: C, L, U


V UuUu
Sound: i as in ill
or machine

U – 21

Of the 3’s, C scatters, L gathers, and U is most receptive. U is open to
receive talents and good fortune (horseshoe shape), but it can rock and
spill out contents like a rolling cup if U’s fill their cup through selfishness
and greed. This cup called U is endowed with creative imagination, inspi-
ration, and charm along with nervous tension in maintaining its balance.
The base rocks from past to future, left to right, an indication of uncer-
tainty and indecision.

U can hold a lot inside but when it becomes too nervous or emotional
it will rock over too far and spill its contents. So U should not gamble,
especially if it is with a Q; that signifies losses.

Inverted, U makes an umbrella. This shows that it needs protection
and will set up its own defenses. U must prepare for the future. It tries to
fill its cup and may hold onto too much for too long. U is an enthusiastic

Though it is a 3 vibration, U has strong characteristics of the 7 be-
cause 21 consists of three 7’s. The 7’s are either warm and spiritual or
cold and materialistic. U is so entirely open, with no balance line between
the spiritual and material areas, that it can be all one or the other. It is so
wide open to the spiritual realm that, with the 7 influence, it can become
overzealous and fanatically religious.

All 3’s are good with words. Like 7’s, U either speaks well or remains
silent and uncommunicative.

U has high ideals and, like 7’s, is usually quite conservative. The other
3 letters, C and L, are more faddish and liberal since they are not influ-
enced by strong 7’s. C is 3 and L is 12 (which is 2 × 6).

This conservative aspect is noticeable by the high sides on the U. It
makes its own boundaries. The straight lines on both sides mean there are
two emotional outlets as well. Sometimes two distinct personalities are seen:
a dual nature. U’s have musical ability and good voices. The 6 (21/3 = 6)
represents the voice; 2’s are good speakers and 3’s know how to project.
Because the 2 comes first, the U leans toward the opposite sex. It is not

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