The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1
Number Groups

In the law of opposites it was “rest and motion,” the necessary ingre-
dients for bodies to remain in health.

The sixth Sephira is called Tiphereth, which is Beauty and Mildness.
It is in the exact center of the Tree. In the Grand Man, the Adam Kadmon,
it is the solar plexus or sun center in man, the exact center of man, and is
like a sun shining from within.

It is from this center that we first feel great joy or great sorrow. If
something goes against our higher nature, we feel as if our breath has
been whacked out of us from that area. Elation brings a feeling of light-
ness there. So this is a very important spiritual center that we can learn to

It is the power of nature and of the Christ Force within working to-
ward perfect expression, so that God’s attributes can be reflected in man’s

The 6 is a symbol of creation and no creation would have taken place
without the Word of God which is the Christ Force. The Hexad is a double
trinity: the first being God and the second, His reflection. God’s brow
and eyes form a triangle in the heavens, say the Kabbalists, and its reflec-
tion in the waters formed a second triangle, which was the beginning of
creation. A double triangle has six sides. Six equates with sex to bring
about creation that can continually renew itself through its 6-Force (The
Secret Teachings of All Ages, CXX).

The Sixth Commandment is “Thou shalt not kill.” That takes away
the Christ Force from another. This in turn brings destruction back to
the slayer. We cannot set into motion any word, act, or deed that does not
return to us, for we are dealing with the law of the circle. Everything from
the paths of the planets to the circulatory system, to people lost in the
woods, to words and deeds, ad finitum, all are subject to this law.

\ Heptad //

Throughout the ages in every religion the 7 was a symbol of the
ensouled, living man. The Pythagoreans called this number “the vehicle
of life” since it contained body and soul: 6 applies to the physical dimen-
sions of height and depth, front and back, right and left sides, and is
animated by the seventh dimension, the living, vital essence within which
is the immortal spirit.

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