The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1





“I’m Exclusive”

The 1 was the first and from it all things were made. Pythagoras called
the 1 “Limited and Unlimited.” This was part of his Law of Opposites,
which he attached to every number. The 1 is limited to itself and is unlim-
ited in other numbers, e.g., two 1’s make 2, five 1’s make 5, etc. So it is
unlimited in all numbers but itself.

One is the line between Heaven and Earth, the creative power, the
First Cause touching the Earth plane. The numeral 1, a straight line, is
the first principle in geometry: an extension of the point and having length
but no breadth. It is the sign of unity and good, and is represented by
perpendicular lines, circles, spheres, upright columns, and openings.

In numerology, the 1 is a leader. It is the vertical line, which stands
straight and confident. The 1 demonstrates creative abilities, originality,
and is a trailblazer, an inventor, a style-setter. It is self-reliant, an indi-
vidual, a doer, a thinker and planner.

In English there is one word that totals 1 and that is the word “A.” A
is an article meaning one, so it can be used to point out one of something,
e.g., A car. A house. A person. In that way it is like Hebrew where every
letter is also a number.

The cypher after any number intensifies the qualities of that number
by its own amount, i.e., 20 is twice as strong as 2; 30 is three times as
strong as 3; and 10 is 10 times more powerful than 1. This is because all
Ten Sephiroth (numbers) are manifest in each 10.

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