The Secret Science of Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters

(avery) #1

talking with a young man about his numbers. His month of birth was
March (3) and a month tells the main vibration of youth (to age 27). I
remarked that his childhood must have been happy. Not so. He said he
did not have a happy childhood at all.

I had failed to take into consideration that every number is a com-
plete vibration, including its negative polarity. Though the 3 is expressive,
it can dissipate and scatter its energies; is not practical like the 4, and will
err for lack of boundaries. Also, 3 is the child, and the adult 3 loves chil-
dren, while the negative polarity finds the child molester/abuser.

Strive, Stress, and Strain all start with STR=12/3, the negative side.
(The letters that come first have a direct influence.)

Those who have a 3 root for their complete birth name will find their
success in acting, oratory, dancing, painting, singing, all forms of enter-
taining, and writing.

One 3 is the performer. Two 3’s (6) is the teacher. Three 3’s (9) has
performed, taught, and is now finishing up for perfection in 10. Here we
see the importance of the numbers within a number.

We need 3’s for self-expression.


Positive: Artistic. Attractive. Charming. Good imagination.
Cheerful. Creative. Enthusiastic. Expressive. Gift of
gab. Good at writing. Good host/hostess. Good sense of
humor. Optimistic. Outgoing. Singing. Sociable.
Speaking. Talented. The life of the party.

Negative: Bored. Critical of others. Dislikes responsibility.
Exaggerates. Hates work; wants only fun. Impulsive.
Jealous. Moody. Scattered. Self-centered.
Vain.Wasteful.Wears too much makeup or gaudy
clothes. Worrywart.

Destructive:Cowardice. Deep jealousy. Dual-personality. Gossip.
Greedy. Hatred. Hypocrite. Intolerant. Uses hurtful
The 3 is male and active.

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