The Secret Life of Nature: Living in Harmony With the Hidden World of Nature Spirits from Fairies to Quarks
Orthodox Cosmos Q 87 seven times around a smaller torus, and so forth.There are six or- ders of progressively smaller helices, e ...
9. Inside the Electron At this point there appeared on the scene another psychic with an even more particulate blueprint for the ...
Intrigued by the prospect of further validating the nature of the Leadbeater and Besant UPA, or subquark, Phillips traveled to T ...
Inside the Electron Q 91 provide the forces-gluons, photons, pions.The indefinite spin state of each spin-1/2 subquark pointing ...
92 fl The Secret Lij2 fe Nature Wonderland, through the coils of the UPA, about three times counter- clockwise, then along anoth ...
Inside the Electron fl 93 To Phillips this bubble was clearly a gluon, zero mass, all energy, an- other form of the particle env ...
94 JP The Secret Liji fe Nature Of all known elementary particles with a finite mass, the electron is the smallest and the light ...
Inside the Electron @ 95 i I I The width of the largest spiral in the sheath of threads was about one-tenth of the spiral diamet ...
96 G The Secret Liji feNature difference lay in the winding of the electron's strings, which decreased progressively, as did the ...
Inside the Electron @ 97 with a kind of intelligence... a kind of consciousness," he tentatively speculated that this consciousn ...
98 fi The Secret Lge of Nature whether to behave as a wave or a particle when detected by a human observer. And in quantum mecha ...
10. Eastern Cosmology The wisdom of the East, as codified in theVedas and the Upanishads- resurrected by theosophists at the tur ...
100 fi The Secret Liji fe Nature The concept of an Absolute that is simultaneously boundless infi- nite space and an ideal dimen ...
Eastern Cosmology @ 101 produces the number two, foci of the primary differentiation of Ultimate Reality into what the Hindus de ...
102 @ 'The Secret Liji of Nature experience. With consciousness as the highest aspect of reality, and matter the lowest, mind co ...
Eastern Cosmology 9 103 the static positive principle of Shiva's consciousness and light as that of the dynamic, negative princi ...
104 @ The Secret Lfe fe Nature only three kinds: rhythmic, nonrhythmic, and no-motion or stability. From the interplay of these, ...
Eastern Cosmology @ 105 of Nature, is described as the creation of the five lower planes of exis- tence-atmic, buddhic, mental, ...
serves not only as the active principle in all procreative procedures but also for the awakening of the faculties of abstract th ...
Eastern Cosmology fl 107 stepped down to lower levels, just as electric energy at high voltage is stepped down by transformers, ...
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