Theories_of_Personality 7th Ed Feist

(Claudeth Gamiao) #1
Feist−Feist: Theories of
Personality, Seventh

Back Matter Subject Index © The McGraw−Hill^639
Companies, 2009

Subject Index S-13

in Adler’s individual psychology,
of Fromm’s humanistic
psychoanalysis, 202–203
of Horney’s psychoanalytic
social theory, 180–181
of Jung, 128–129
Kelly’s personal construct
theory, 563–564
of Klein’s object relations
theory, 154–155
of Maslow’s holistic-dynamic
theory, 300
of May, 361–363
of Rogers, 321–328
Rotter and Mischel’s cognitive
social learning theory,
of Skinner, 467
of Sullivan’s interpersonal
theory, 234–235
psychoticism, 409, 410f, 414–415
puberty, 257
punishment, 453–454
purpose, 461

Q sort technique, 331

radical behaviorism, 441
range corollary, 557–558
rapid eye movement (REM), 56
reaction formation, 25, 35
reactive theories, 384
realistic anxiety, 34
perception of, 291
principle, 29
rebirth, 123
receptive characters, 198–199
recognition status, 518
Reflections on Behaviorism and
Society(Skinner), 445
regression, 36–37, 115
regulatory strategies, 537
reinforcement, 452–453
of brain, 471–472
external, 515

internal, 515
internal and external control of,
negative, 452, 453
operant conditioning,
punishment compared to, 454
-reinforcement sequences, 515
schedules of, 455–456
value, 514–516
reinforcers, conditioned and
generalized, 454–455
related research, Rotter and
Mischel’s cognitive social
learning theory related,
relatedness, 191–193
reliability, 13
religious orientation, 393–394
Religious Orientation Scale
(ROS), 393
REM. Seerapid eye movement
Rep test. SeeRole Construct
Repertory test
repetition compulsion, 49
representation, 482
repression, 24, 30, 35, 55–56
resacralize, 297
academics and traits, 431–432
Adler’s individual psychology
related, 90–93
Allport’s psychology of individual
related, 392–395
Bandura’s social cognitive
theory related, 502–505
Erikson’s psychosocial
development stages
related, 267–269
Eysenck, Costa, & McCrae trait
and factor theories
related, 429–434
Freud’s psychoanalysis related,
Fromm’s humanistic
psychoanalysis related,
Horney’s psychoanalytic social
theory related, 181–182
Jung’s analytic psychology
related, 90–93

Jung’s psychological types
related, 129–131
Kelly’s personal construct
theory, 567–570
Klein’s object relations theory
related, 155–158
Maslow’s holistic-dynamic
theory related, 300–303
May’s existential psychology
related, 363–367
Rogers’ person-centered theory
related, 333–337
Skinner’s behavioral analysis
related, 467–472
Sullivan’s interpersonal theory
related, 235–238
theory generating, 8–9
resistance, 49
to enculturation, 295–296
responsibility, 498
The Restoration of the Self
(Elson), 151
Rogers’ person-centered theory.
theory, of Rogers
repudiation, 258
as sociality corollary, 561
Role Construct Repertory
(Rep) test, 564–566,
565 t, 566 f
rootedness, 193–194
ROS. SeeReligious Orientation
Rotter Incomplete Sentences
Blank, 512
Rotter’s cognitive social learning
theory. Seecognitive
social learning theory, of
Rotter and Mischel

sadism, 32–33, 197
safeguarding tendencies, 81–83
defense mechanisms compared
to, 84t
safety needs, 281
The Sane Society(Fromm), 190
school age, of Erikson’s
psychosocial development
stages, 255–256
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