Theories_of_Personality 7th Ed Feist

(Claudeth Gamiao) #1
Feist−Feist: Theories of
Personality, Seventh

Back Matter Subject Index © The McGraw−Hill^641
Companies, 2009

Subject Index S-15

stagnation, 260–261
Standard Edition(Strachey),
standing still, 83
stimulus generalization, 452
stinginess, 40
Strange Situation,153–154
striving force, 70–72
The Structure of Human Personality
(Eysenck), 404
Studies on Hysteria(Breuer &
Freud), 20, 21, 47
Study of Organ Inferiority and Its
Physical Compensation
(Adler, A.), 67
Study of Values(Allport, Vernon, &
Lindzey), 389
style of life
Adler’s individual psychology, 78
neglected, 81
pampered, 80–81
stylistic dispositions, 383
subjective perceptions, 73–74
sublimation, 38
submissiveness, 168
success, 72
successive approximations, 450
Sullivan’s interpersonal theory.
Seeinterpersonal theory,
of Sullivan
superego, 27, 28f,30–31, 30f
function, 411
internalizations of Klein, 146
of Adler’s individual psychology,
striving for personal, 72
Support Scale, 298
suppression, 24
symbiosis, normal, 149
syntaxic level, of cognition,
224, 225t
syntonic, 249

Taoistic attitude, 297
taxonomy, 6, 418
“The Technique of Psychoanalytic
Theory” (Horney), 164
teleology. Seecausality v. teleology
tenderness, 217–218

tensions, 217–219, 225t
anxiety, 218–219
energy transformations, 217,
219, 225t
needs, 217–218
terror management theory,
terrorism, 502–503
theory. See also specific theory
alternate, 7
defined, 4–5
falsifiable, 9–10
guiding action, 10–11
internal consistency of, 11
for organizing data, 10
as parsimonious, 11
philosophy and, 5–6
science relationship with, 6
speculation, 6
usefulness of, 8
therapeutic change, 324–326
therapeutic techniques, of Freud,
therapy, 501–502
thinking, 117–118
third force, 275
threat, 319, 562
Three Essays on Theory of Sexuality
(Freud, S.), 22
Time Competence/ Time
Incompetence Scale, 298
To Have or Be(Fromm), 190
trait and factor theories, of Eysenck,
Costa, & McCrae,
biological bases of personality,
Cattell’s pioneering work, 405
concept of humanity, 436
Costa biography, 418–420
critique of, 434–436
dimensions of personality,
Eysenck biography, 402–404
Eysenck’s factor theory,
factor analysis, 405–407
Five-Factor Model, 418–429
McCrae biography, 418–420
measuring personality, 415
overview, 401–402

personality as predictor,
research on, 429–434
taxonomy, 418
traits, 4
academics and, research,
by birth order, 87t
common, of Allport, 381
unipolar, 406
transcendence, 193
transference, 49, 129, 202
transformation, 128–129
energy, 217, 219, 225t
triadic reciprocal causation,
model, 478
trieb(drive), 31
interpersonal, 523–525, 525t
mistrust v., 251–252
types, 117, 405
tyranny of the should, 176

umwelt(environment around us),
348, 352–353
unconditional positive regard, 323
unconscious, 23, 24–25. See also
conscious v. unconscious
Adler’s individual psychology
on, 96
behavior, 462–463
conscious harmonized with, 75
determinant of behavior,
12, 159
mental processing, 54
personal, of Jung, 104
unhealthy personality, 466–467
counteracting strategies, 466
inappropriate behaviors,
unipolar traits, 406
uniqueness v. similarities
Adler’s individual psychology
on, 96
Allport’s psychology of the
individual, 398
Bandura’s social cognitive
theory, 507
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