
(avery) #1

  • As a non-addictive anti-depressant

Whatever brand you use, be sure it is 100 percent pure Guarana and not mixed with any other
ingredients or preservatives. Beware of chewing gums or similar products that claim to contain Guarana.
The large amount of chemicals and preservatives, colorings, and artificial sweeteners they contain causes
considerable harm to the body, which you can confirm by doing the muscle test.

The Bloodroot Paste, Indian Herb, And Healing Formula

All of these products can basically accomplish the same thing. When used topically, they are able to
completely remove malignant and non-malignant skin cancers, moles, large freckles and other growth-
type skin blemishes. When a tiny amount is applied to a mole, for example, about one week later the
mole, along with its roots and toxic deposits, is discharged from the skin and falls off. Even large
cancerous tumors come out in one piece, without the need for surgery.
The Healing Formula can also be taken internally and has numerous additional benefits. Cancers, for
example, that are not located on the skin may also be eliminated through internal use. If you intend to use
these herbs only for topical use, the less expensive Indian Herb is sufficient.
Caution: When you apply the Indian Herb or a similar bloodroot salve, be very careful not to use too
much of it or put it on parts of the skin that don’t require any treatment. The zinc chloride it contains can
cause damage to healthy skin. The Bloodroot Paste doesn’t contain zinc and may be less aggressive. Once
a mole or skin cancer has been removed, that part of the skin may be lighter in color because their
presence has diminished or destroyed any melanin-producing cells. For more information and to purchase
these herbal products see Product Information at the end of the book.
Another, but more expensive, approach to remove skin blemishes, such as freckles, age spots, liver
spots, sun spots, moles, warts, skin tags, etc. called “Blemish-free,” (see Product Information). The do-it-
yourself home kit uses the same treatment method dermatologists use, that is, liquid nitrogen, an FDA
approved method of freezing blemishes to safely remove them. There are no scars left, but the skin may
also be lighter where the blemishes once were.

Pfaffia, Black Cohosh and Evening Primrose (For Women)

Pfaffia (also known as Brazilian Ginseng or Suma) is very effective for menstrual problems,
menopausal symptoms, diabetes and any other hormonal problems. Black cohosh is one of the most
effective natural products for menopause. It helps reduce and even stop hot flushes and other discomforts
during a woman’s hormonal changes. There were some anecdotal cases where the use of Black Cohosh
was linked with liver problems, but the real cause was not clear. To avoid complications, it is important to
discontinue taking hormone replacements while taking Black Cohosh, or best wait at least two months
before starting the Black Cohosh regimen. Evening Primrose oil is another great natural product for
female health issues (see also “The Purpose of Menopause” in Chapter 15).

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