ContEnts (^) | xi
Chapter 15 New Responsibilities of the Design Discipline:
A Critical Counterweight to the Coming
Technologies?......................................... 331
by Martin Charlier
Critiquing Emerging Technology..................... 331
Emerging Technologies.............................. 333
New Responsibilities of the Design Discipline....... 343
Bibliography.......................................... 345
Chapter 16 Designing Human-Robot Relationships.............. 347
by Bill Hartman
Me Man, You Robot: Designers Creating
Powerful Tools....................................... 348
Me Man, You Robot? Developing Emotional
Relationships with Robots............................ 354
Me Robot? On Becoming Robotic.................... 358
Into the Future...................................... 360
Your Robot: Consider Nielsen, Maslow, and
Aristotle.............................................. 361
Conclusion........................................... 364
Chapter 17 Tales from the Crick: Experiences and Services
When Design Fiction Meets Synthetic Biology....... 365
by Marco Righetto and Andy Goodman
Design Fictions as a Speculative Tool to Widen
the Understanding of Technology.................... 365
The Building Bricks of the Debate.................. 366
Healthcare Narratives: From Scenarios to
Societal Debates...................................... 373
Living Objects: Symbiotic Indispensable
Companions.......................................... 376
Chapter 18 Beyond 3D Printing: The New Dimensions of
Additive Fabrication.................................. 379
by Steven Keating
MIT and the Mediated Matter Group: Previous
and Current Additive Fabrication Research.......... 379
The Dimensions of Additive Fabrication............ 380
Conclusion........................................... 402