MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks
Expected Value: 6 See Also addlistener | matlab.unittest.TestCase | matlab.unittest.TestRunner | matlab.unittest.plugins.TestRun ...
Plugin to Generate Custom Test Output Format This example shows how to create a plugin that uses a custom format to write finali ...
matlab.unittest.plugins.TestRunnerPlugin(plugin,pluginData); end function reportFinalizedResult(plugin,pluginData) thisResult = ...
end end Add Plugin to Test Runner and Run Tests At the command prompt, create a test suite from the ExampleTest class, and creat ...
YPS Company - Test PASSED ### - ExampleTest/testOne in 0.123284 seconds. YPS Company - Test FAILED ### - ExampleTest/testTwo in ...
Analyze Test Case Results This example shows how to analyze the information returned by a test runner created from the SolverTes ...
expSolution = [-1+3i, -1-3i]; testCase.verifyEqual(actSolution,expSolution); end end end Run SolverTest Test Case Create a test ...
Details: [1x1 struct] Totals: 1 Passed, 0 Failed, 0 Incomplete. 1.8678 seconds testing time. Create Table of Test Results To acc ...
Analyze Failed Test Results This example shows how to identify and rerun failed tests. Create an Incorrect Test Method Using the ...
------------------ Stack Information: ------------------ In C:\work\SolverTest.m (SolverTest.testBadRealSolution) at 19 ======== ...
result2 = TestResult with properties: Name: 'SolverTest/testBadRealSolution' Passed: 1 Failed: 0 Incomplete: 0 Duration: 0.0108 ...
Rerun Failed Tests If a test failure is caused by incorrect or incomplete code, it is useful to rerun failed tests quickly and c ...
Create a test suite and run the tests. The testSquare test fails because the implementation of exampleFunction is incorrect. sui ...
function [x,y] = exampleFunction(n) validateattributes(n,{'numeric'},{'scalar'}) x = n^2; % square y = sqrt(n); % square root en ...
failedTests = suite([results.Failed]); result2 = run(failedTests); Running exampleTest . Done exampleTest To ensure that all pa ...
Dynamically Filtered Tests In this section... “Test Methods” on page 33-142 “Method Setup and Teardown Code” on page 33-145 “Cla ...
failure in testB, the testing framework proceeds and executes testC, which contains a verification failure. ts = matlab.unittest ...
res res = 1×3 TestResult array with properties: Name Passed Failed Incomplete Duration Details Totals: 1 Passed, 1 Failed, 1 Inc ...
Test with properties: Name: 'ExampleTest/testB' ProcedureName: 'testB' TestClass: "ExampleTest" BaseFolder: 'C:\work' Parameteri ...
disp('* Running setupMethod2 *') testCase.assertEqual(1,1) end end methods(Test) function testA(testCase) testCase.verifyTrue(tr ...
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