MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks
preallocationTest/testIndexingOnLHS 4 0.061333 preallocationTest/testForLoop 4 0.95081 Change Statistical Objectives and Rerun T ...
preallocationTest/testForLoop 4 0.92115 See Also matlab.perftest.TimeExperiment | matlab.perftest.TimeResult | matlab.unittest.m ...
Test Performance Using Classes This example shows how to create a performance test and regression test for the fprintf function. ...
Test block. However, the measured time includes the time to perform the verifications. Best practice is to measure a more accura ...
testCase.verifyEqual(nbytes,length(textToWrite)) end end end The measured time for this performance test includes only the call ...
Valid: 1 Samples: [4×7 table] TestActivity: [8×12 table] Totals: 1 Valid, 0 Invalid. As indicated by the size of the TestActivit ...
fullTable = vertcat(results.Samples); summaryStats = varfun(@mean,fullTable,... 'InputVariables','MeasuredTime','GroupingVariabl ...
fullTableTE = vertcat(resultsTE.Samples); summaryStatsTE = varfun(@mean,fullTableTE,... 'InputVariables','MeasuredTime','Groupin ...
Construct an explicit test suite. Since you are measuring the first-time cost of the function, run a single test. To run multipl ...
Measure Fast Executing Test Code Performance tests that execute too quickly for MATLAB to measure accurately are filtered with a ...
x(i) = 1; end testCase.stopMeasuring testCase.verifyNumElements(x,1e5) end end end Run PreallocationTest as a performance test. ...
x = ones(1,1e5); end testCase.verifyEqual(size(x),[1 1e5]) end function testIndexingWithVariable(testCase) import matlab.unittes ...
sampleSummary(results) ans = 4×7 table Name SampleSize Mean StandardDeviation Min Median Max PreallocationTest/testOnes 4 2.864 ...
Create Mock Object When unit testing, you are often interested in testing a portion of a complete system, isolated from the comp ...
Using a mock object, you can define behavior (a process known as stubbing). For example, you can specify that an object produces ...
function price = lookupPrice(ticker,date) % This method assumes you have installed and configured the % Bloomberg software. conn ...
When you create a mock, you also create an associated behavior object. The behavior object defines the same methods as the mock ...
testCase.assignOutputsWhen(dataServiceBehavior.lookupPrice(... "FOO",IsLessThan(yesterday)),234); testCase.assignOutputsWhen(dat ...
s1 = s2 ="inputs",[13 42]) s1 = [] s2 = [] Since the trader function does not use the status return ...
functionality if you use the WasCalled constraint. For example, you can verify that a mocked method was called a specified numbe ...
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