PEDIATRICS Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS) ■ Typically due to infectionwith exotoxin-producing strain of group A strep ...
PEDIATRICS TREATMENT ■ Prevent tick exposure. ■ Prompt removal of ticks (RMSF unlikely if tick attached <12 hours) ■ Treatmen ...
PEDIATRICS DIAGNOSIS ■ Culture of organism from sterile body fluid (blood, CSF) ■ Gram stain demonstrating Gram-negative diploco ...
PEDIATRICS TREATMENT ■ Initial management is focused on fluid resuscitation with isotonic saline. ■ Mineralocorticoid replacemen ...
PEDIATRICS SYMPTOMS/EXAM Symptoms are often detected on newborn screening. Infants may present with lethargy, vomiting, and poor ...
PEDIATRICS TREATMENT ■ Supportive ■ Intravenous infusion of dextrose containing solution GLYCOGENSTORAGEDISEASES ■ Von-Gierke, P ...
PEDIATRICS SYMPTOMS ■ Respiratory distress ■ Drooling, with difficulty handling oral secretions ■ Nonbilious vomiting immediatel ...
PEDIATRICS ■ Abdominal pain ■ Bilious emesis ■ Abdominal distention ■ Hematochezia DIAGNOSIS ■ Based on clinical suspicion ■ Abd ...
PEDIATRICS HIRSCHSPRUNGDISEASE Patients with Hirschsprung disease have a segment of bowel that lacks normal ganglion cell innerv ...
PEDIATRICS DIAGNOSIS ■ Barium enema may demonstrate a cone-shaped transition zonebetween the dilated proximal bowel and the abno ...
PEDIATRICS ■ If the infant has been vomiting for a few days, serum chemistries will reveal the classic hyponatremic, hypochlorem ...
PEDIATRICS COMPLICATIONS ■ Intestinal perforation ■ Infants who recover from NEC may have bowel strictures, and postopera- tivel ...
PEDIATRICS EXAM ■ Variable physical exam, ranging from well-appearing and asymptomatic to toxic and lethargic ■ “Dance’s sign,” ...
PEDIATRICS COMPLICATIONS ■ Bowel perforation ■ Peritonitis GENITOURINARY Wilm’s Tumor The most common renal tumor in children, w ...
PEDIATRICS DIAGNOSIS The diagnosis of UTI depends upon obtaining an appropriate sample. In children under the age of two, the bl ...
PEDIATRICS ■ Infection (epididymitis, orchitis) ■ Testicular trauma ■ Testicular tumor DIAGNOSIS Hydroceles can usually be diagn ...
PEDIATRICS ■ Supportive care ■ Consider PRBC transfusion if hemoglobin < 6 g/dL. ■ Avoid platelet transfusion unless active b ...
PEDIATRICS ■ Hepatosplenomegaly ■ Lymphadenopathy ■ Pleuritis or pericarditis ■ Rarely: Myocarditis, hepatitis, DIC DIFFERENTIAL ...
PEDIATRICS SYMPTOMS/EXAM ■ Rash: Palpable purpura, usually starting on lower extremities and progress- ing toward the torso (see ...
PEDIATRICS TREATMENT ■ Treatment is mostly supportive, and can include IVF if dehydrated. ■ Most patients diagnosed with HSP in ...
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