302.An 87-year-old man had been sitting on the toilet when suddenly he fell to the left side against an adjacent wall. Fortunate ...
304.A woman is found to have internal (medially directed) strabismus of the left eye, paralysis of the muscles of facial express ...
306.A very concerned mother brings her teenager into your pediatric office. The teenager awoke in the morning with a large swoll ...
308.A teenage baseball player was hit in the base of the skull by a loose bat. He is hoarse and complains of difficulty swallowi ...
311.The image below is a midsagittal CT of the head. Which of the fol- lowing are structures 8 and 9? Head and Neck 425 (Image 1 ...
312.If a patient had a motor vehicle accident that fractured the base of the skull and caused compression of the structure that ...
313.A 32-year-old woman was brought into the emergency room from a car accident. She was conscious, but had been knocked unconsc ...
316.Specific neurons supplying the head and neck region have their cell bodies located in ganglia. Cell bodies that bring about ...
318.A 87-year-old man is having difficulty swallowing and often chokes on his food. You check his gag reflex by touching the pos ...
320.A 73-year-old man presents because of repeated, biting of his tongue and cheek, and some difficulty chewing in general. You ...
322.When performing a cardiac catheterization of the right heart cham- bers you need to remember that the carotid sheath contain ...
324.Within the figure below of a cross section of an embryo, which of the following structures will become the auditory tube? 43 ...
325.A 68-year-old woman presents to your ENT clinic because of a small lump on the right side of her face just anterior to her e ...
327.A 13-month-old baby boy is brought into your pediatric office by his concerned mother. The boy is just beginning to talk and ...
Head and Neck Answers 274.The answer is c.(Moore and Dalley, p 973.)The long ciliary (CN V1) nerve carries pain information from ...
276.The answer is d.(Moore and Dalley, pp 952, 990.)Lymph from the medial portion of the lower lip preferentially drains through ...
lateral regions of the face including the forehead, eyelids, and middle ear. Superficial and deep cervical nodes (answer c)recei ...
subjacent to the epicranial aponeurosis. Bone (answer b)is too deep, as is the dural mater (answer c). 280.The answer is c.(Moor ...
282.The answer is b.(Moore and Dalley, pp 911–913.)The superior oph- thalmic vein drains the region of the paranasal sinuses and ...
bleeding inside the skull. (Older brains tend to shrink due to slow neu- ronal loss leaving more space for movement within the s ...
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