Modern American Poetry
(^412) Anita Patterson That Shakespearian rag,— Most intelligent, very elegant, That old classical drag, Has the proper stuff, t ...
The Poetry of Langston Hughes 413 example, “is a poem of adventure, and of nostalgia for the romance of foreign voyage and explo ...
(^414) Anita Patterson irresponsibility toward sense that the poem dramatizes enhances the meaning: it is a poem of “unrequited ...
The Poetry of Langston Hughes 415 The Negro With the trumpet at his lips Whose jacket Has a fineone-button roll, Does not know U ...
(^416) Anita Patterson The Improvisations—coming at a time when I was trying to remain firm at great cost—I had recourse to the ...
The Poetry of Langston Hughes 417 What did I say? Sure, I’m happy! Take it away! Hey, pop! Re-bop! Mop! Y-e-a-h!(CP,388) Like ma ...
(^418) Anita Patterson African American music, it also remains anchored in the particularities of its own time and place, since ...
The Poetry of Langston Hughes 419 NOTES Wright, “The Big Sea,” in Langston Hughes: Critical Perspectives Past and Present,ed. H ...
(^420) Anita Patterson Theory,ed. Joseph A. Buttigieg (Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1987), 161. Alex Premi ...
The Poetry of Langston Hughes 421 freedom.... With each successive wave of it, the movement of the Negro becomes more and more a ...
(^422) Anita Patterson dramatizes several actions, including black self-affirmation, a remaking of the black self- image, and Hu ...
The Poetry of Langston Hughes 423 Although at this point in his career Baraka’s position is not entirely separatist, insofar as ...
(^424) Anita Patterson Eliot, The Waste Land: A Facsimile and Transcript of the Original Drafts Including the Annotations of Ez ...
The Poetry of Langston Hughes 425 Babette Deutsch wrote that the poems in Montage of a Dream Deferredsuffered “from a will to s ...
427 A PLACE FOR THEGENUINE Marianne Moore is most familiar to readers as the poet of armored animals, creatures who defy our eff ...
(^428) Bonnie Costello the top, / reserved as their contours, saying nothing.” The view we would take will ultimately take us in ...
Moore’s America 429 discuss Moore’s sense of the frame as it arises in her refusal to yield to the lure of the shallow image, th ...
(^430) Bonnie Costello technology and business, and incorporates images of its creative momentum. Nature does not stay still, no ...
Moore’s America 431 AMERICANVERSIONS OFPASTORAL Moore’s famous remark about poetry applies as well to her view of America: I, to ...
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