Modern American Poetry
(^452) Bonnie Costello parishioner” as “a deer,” since he has wandered into the church; but of course the wild parishioner is al ...
Moore’s America 453 Powhatan as unflattering as grateful. Rare Indian, crowned by Christopher Newport! (CP, 107) Moore alludes h ...
(^454) Bonnie Costello emergence of civilized life in Virginia. Moore relishes the image of the black pansy “overpowering” the l ...
Moore’s America 455 cultural hegemony or a single-minded critique. The aesthetic order of the poem does not whitewash moral inco ...
(^456) Bonnie Costello intimation of immortality, but the focus of the poem is not on immortality. The expanding clouds suggest ...
Moore’s America 457 modernism and her own originality, rather than a shift in Emerson, that accounts for her differences from “N ...
459 1868 Edgar Lee Masters is born in Garnett, Kansas. 1869 Edwin Arlington Robinson is born on December 22 in Gardiner, Maine. ...
(^460) Chronology 1889 Conrad Aiken is born in Savannah, Georgia on August 5. 1892 Edna St. Vincent Millay is born in Rockland, ...
Chronology 461 1916 Carl Sandburg: Chicago Poems. Amy Lowell: Men, Women, and Ghosts. James Joyce: A Portrait of the Artist as a ...
(^462) Chronology 1927 Charles Lindbergh makes solo flight over the Atlantic Ocean. Martin Heidegger: Being and Time. Langston H ...
Chronology 463 1938 E.E. Cummings: Collected Poems. Adolf Hitler assumes command of the German Army. 1939 James Joyce: Finnegan’ ...
(^464) Chronology 1952 Ralph Ellison: Invisible Man. Willem de Kooning: Woman and Bicycle. Archibald MacLeish: Collected Poems. ...
465 HAROLD BLOOM is Sterling Professor of the Humanities at Yale University. He is the author of over 20 books, including Shelle ...
(^466) Contributors HUGH KENNER (1923–2003) taught English at Johns Hopkins University and the University of Georgia. His many b ...
Contributors 467 LANGDON HAMMER is Professor of English at Yale University. He is the author of Hart Crane and Allen Tate: Janus ...
469 Alexander, Michael. The Poetic Achievement of Ezra Pound. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979. Bagby, George F. F ...
(^470) Bibliography Bridgman, Richard. Gertrude Stein in Pieces. New York: Oxford University Press, 1970. Bromwich, David. A Cho ...
Bibliography 471 Gelpi, Albert, ed. Wallace Stevens and the Poetics of Modernism. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1985. Gi ...
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