Index 493
Lady Chatterly’s Lover, 462
“Piano,” 407–9
Studies in Classic American
Literature, 282
“Leaf-Trader, The” (Frost), 178
Lear, Edward, 411
Leaves of Grass (Whitman), 28, 195,
197, 200, 202, 205, 221, 230
Leavis, F.R., 404
New Bearings in English Poetry, 54
on The Wasteland, 143
“Legend” (Crane, H.), 281, 360
“Lesson for Today, The” (Frost),
“Letter to Harriet Monroe, A”
(Crane, H.), 287, 295
Lewis, R.W.B.
on Crane, 286–87
Lewis, Wyndham, 257
Lice, The (Merwin), 464
Life along the Passaic River
(Williams), 202
Life Studies (Lowell, R.), 464
“Lighthearted William” (Williams),
“Lily, The” (Williams), 104
Lindbergh, Charles, 80, 462
Lindsay, Nicholas Vachel, 396
birth, 459
death, 462
“Line-Storm Song, A” (Frost), 312,
319, 326, 328, 337
Litz, A. Walton, 25
Locke, Alain, 399
The New Negro, 461
“Lockless Door, The” (Frost),
L’Odalisque (Matisse), 461
“Lonely Street, The” (Williams)
isolation and desire in, 94–95
realism in, 95
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 2,
Lord Weary’s Castle (Lowell, R.), 463
Lost Son, The (Roethke), 463
“Love in America” (Moore), 432
Lowell, Amy, 276, 331
A Dome of Many-Colored Glass,
Men, Women, and Ghosts, 461
Sword Blades and Poppy Seeds, 460
Lowell, Robert, 262
Land of Unlikeness, 463
Life Studies, 464
Lord Weary’s Castle, 463
The Mills and the Kavanaughs, 463
“William Carlos Williams,” 195,
Loy, Mina, 264, 276
Lunar Baedecker, 461
Lukács, Georg
The Meaning of Contemporary
Realism, 397
The Theory of the Novel, 351
“Luke Havergal” (Robinson), 1–2
Lunar Baedecker(Loy), 461
Lunch Poems (O’Hara), 464
Lustra and Other Poems (Pound),
56–57, 461
“Lycidas” (Milton), 302
MacLeish, Archibald, 255, 271
Collected Poems, 464
The Happy Marriage, 461
Madame Bovary (Flaubert), 58
“Magician” (H.D.), 371
Mahler, Gustave
Symphony No. 9, 460
Make It New (Pound), 15
Malcolm X, 464
Mystère dans les lettres, 294
Man Against the Sky, The
(Robinson), 461