Index 505
Thompson, Lawrance
Robert Frost: The Later Years, 311
Robert Frost: The Years of Triumph,
Thoreau, Henry David, 28, 191,
436, 441
Walden, 190
“Three Academic Pieces” (Stevens),
Three on the Tower(Simpson), 199
Thrones (Pound), 464
“Thursday” (Williams), 90
Thurso’s Landing (Jeffers), 462
“Thyrsis” (Arnold), 302
“Tintern Abbey” (Wordsworth), 23,
“Tithonus” (Tennyson), 25
“To Autumn” (Keats), 94, 238
To Be Itself, 134–35
“To Earthward” (Frost), 270–71
“To Elsie” (Williams), 102
“To Emily Dickinson” (Crane), 299
“To E.T.” (Frost), 270
Tolkien, J.R.R.
The Hobbitt, 462
“To Mark Anthony in Heaven”
montage of, 91
“Tom Fool at Jamaica” (Moore), 21
“To an Old Jaundiced Woman”
(Williams), 102
“To the One of Fictive Music”
(Stevens), 130–32
Toomer, Jean, 256
Cane, 461
Torrent and the Night Before, The
(Robinson), 1
“To Shakespeare” (Crane), 292
“To a Solitary Disciple” (Williams)
cubist position, 97
“To a Snail” (Moore), 47
“To the Thawing Wind” (Frost),
317, 319
“To Waken an Old Lady”
(Williams), 11
shared discovery in, 93–94
“Toward the Piraeus” (H.D.), 367,
Tower, The (Yeats), 462
Trachtenberg, Alan, 466
on redemption and evil in
Crane’s The Bridge, 71–88
“Tract” (Williams), 103
“Tradition and the Individual
Talent” (Eliot), 257, 344, 461
“Trance” (H.D.), 370
Transcendentalism, 10, 29
Transmemberment of Song(Edelman),
Transport to Summer (Stevens), 233,
242, 244, 463
“Tree at My Window” (Frost), 321
“Trees, The” (Williams), 11, 106
“Tribute, The” (H.D.), 365–67
Tribute to the Angels (H.D.), 383–87,
Tribute to Freud, Writing on the Wall,
(H.D.), 371–72
Trilling, Lionel, 322
Trilogy (H.D.), 372–73, 388
“Trip to Paris and Belgium, A”
(Frost), 182–83
Triumph of Life, The (Shelley), 26
“Trouble with Wilderness, The”
(Cronon), 440
“Trumpet Player: 57th Street, The”
(Hughes), 414–15
“Tuft of Flowers, The” (Frost), 172
Tulips and Chimneys (Cummings),
269, 461
“Tunnel, The” (Crane, H.), 29, 349,
354, 362
art in, 76
damnation in, 80, 84
tension in, 79