Programming and Problem Solving with Java
(^160) | Selection and Encapsulation Comparison of strings in Java follows the collating sequence used in the Unicode char- acte ...
4.2 Conditions and Logical Expressions | 161 lowerCaseString = myString.toLowerCase(); upperCaseString = myString.toUpperCase(); ...
(^162) | Selection and Encapsulation (^2) In Boolean algebra, the pattern is formalized by a theorem called DeMorgan’s law. fals ...
4.2 Conditions and Logical Expressions | 163 Value of x Value of y Value of (x || y) true true true true false true false true t ...
(^164) | Selection and Encapsulation George Boole Boolean algebra is named for its inventor, English mathematician George Boole, ...
4.2 Conditions and Logical Expressions | 165 Precedence of Operators In Chapter 3, we discussed the rules of precedence, which g ...
(^166) | Selection and Encapsulation PEANUTS reprinted by permission of United Features Syndicate, Inc. One final comment about ...
4.3 The if Statement | 167 Relational Operators with Floating-Point Types So far, we’ve talked only about comparing int,char, an ...
(^168) | Selection and Encapsulation Statement1A Statement 2 Statement1B false true if( Expression ) else Figure 4.3 if-elseFlow ...
4.3 The if Statement | 169 if (hours <= 40.0) pay = rate hours; else pay = rate (40.0+ (hours – 40.0) * 1.5); ...
(^170) | Selection and Encapsulation What we really want to do is turn the elseclause into a sequenceof statements. This is easy ...
4.3 The if Statement | 171 Braces and Blocks Java programmers use different styles when it comes to locating the left brace of a ...
(^172) | Selection and Encapsulation false true if ( Expression) Statement 1 Statement 2 Figure 4.5 ifFlow of Control Better yet ...
4.4 Nested if Statements | 173 This code does exactly what the tax form says it should: First it computes the result of sub- tra ...
(^174) | Selection and Encapsulation In general, any problem that involves a multiway branch(more than two alternative courses o ...
4.4 Nested if Statements | 175 else if(month == 3) // Nested if monthName = "March"; else if(month == 4) // Nested if else mon ...
(^176) | Selection and Encapsulation else if(temperature > 70) message = message + "tennis."; else if(temperature > 32) me ...
4.5 Encapsulation | 177 Here we want the elsebranch attached to the outer ifstatement, not the inner one, so we in- dent the cod ...
(^178) | Selection and Encapsulation to using it, so those details are hidden by encapsulation. As a consequence, the programmer ...
4.6 Abstraction | 179 (^3) The Java library includes a Dateclass,java.util.Date. However, the familiar properties of dates make ...
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