Programming and Problem Solving with Java
(^180) | Selection and Encapsulation day conversion formulas handle those rules; the other responsibilities merely perform sim- ...
4.6 Abstraction | 181 As we saw earlier in this chapter, we often want to compare objects so that we can make decisions based on ...
(^182) | Selection and Encapsulation System.out.print("Enter first name: "); // Prompt for first name first = in.readLine(); // ...
4.6 Abstraction | 183 // Returns name as last, first, m. publicString lastFirstMI() { returnlast + ", "+ first + ", "+ ...
CASE STUDY 184 WARNING NOTICES Problem:Many universities send warning notices to freshmen who are in danger of fail- ing a class ...
CASE STUDY^185 compare them directly. If we later change the representation (perhaps by using type charto save space), the modif ...
CASE STUDY 186 The method that returns the name is trivial. The method that returns a score requires some thought. We receive an ...
CASE STUDY^187 Now that we’ve designed this class, we can easily write its Java implementation. //** // This class provides a st ...
CASE STUDY 188 // Returns one of the three score fields based on parameter value // Returns –1 if parameter value is invalid pub ...
CASE STUDY^189 We need to declare variables to hold the name, the scores, the Studentobject, and the message. We also need to im ...
CASE STUDY 190 Here is a sample output from running the program: Here is another sample run: 4.7 Testing and Debugging In Chapte ...
4.7 Testing and Debugging | 191 Desk checking can be done by an individual, but most sizable applications are devel- oped by tea ...
(^192) | Selection and Encapsulation We need at least three data sets to test the different branches. For example, the following ...
4.7 Testing and Debugging | 193 divides the integers into three ranges: 1.Integer.MIN_VALUEthrough – 1 0 through 100 101 throug ...
(^194) | Selection and Encapsulation Tests Performed Automatically During Compilation and Execution Once a design is coded and t ...
4.7 Testing and Debugging | 195 through the algorithm and the code, tracing the execution of the application, and devel- oping a ...
(^196) | Selection and Encapsulation start with the innermost pair and draw a line connecting them. Do the same for the others, ...
Summary | 197 12.Check for integer overflow. The value of an intvariable may have exceeded Integer.MAX_VALUEin the middle of a c ...
198 3.If anif-elsestructure contains a nestedif-elsein each of its branches, as shown below, how many different paths can be tak ...
199 15.You’ve written an application that displays the corresponding digit on a phone, given a letter of the alphabet. Everythin ...
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