How to Win the Job by Communicating with Confidence

(Marcin) #1

Letter of recommendation, 71–74
Leveraging offers, 146
Library, 67–68
general skills, 24–25
personal traits, 31–32
questions to ask employer, 116
total compensation package, 139
(See alsoSamples)

Makeup, 87
Management skills, 21
Marketing specialist, 28
Memorization, 13
Men’s attire, 84–86
accessories, 86
beard, 85–86
hair, 85–86
jewelry, 85
scents, 85
shirts, 85
shoes, 84
suits, 85
ties, 85
Merton, Thomas, 165
Mission statement, 62–63
Multiple job offers, 146–150

Negatives, 103–104, 110–111
Negotiating salary, 123–140
bargaining factors, 129–132
benefits (total compensation
package), 139
blow-by-blow salary discussions,
common fears, 126–128
how long willing to negotiate,
open-door negotiating, 133–135
relative worth of job in market-
place, 130
research, 129–130
scenarios (seeVignettes)
target salary, 132
Web sites, 130
why should you make more than
company’s offer, 131–132

Net Advantage, 68
Nonverbal communication (seeBody

Occupational Outlook Handbook,33–34,
Office manager, 29
One-stop career centers, 61
Open-door negotiating, 133–135
Overdressing, 84

Panel interview, 119
Pantyhose, 87
Parking, 78
Pasteur, Louis, 141
Perfectionist, 110, 111
Perseverance, 8
Personal appearance (seeAttire)
Personal Salary Report, 130
Personal traits, 30–33
Personal traits inventory, 30–33
Phone interview, 117–119
Pinpoint Salary Services, 130
Pitch, 118
Portfolio, 86
Positioning statement, 95
Positioning statement template, 94
Practice questions, 165–172
Preinterview activities, 69–78
checklist, 78
dry run of trip to interview, 77–78
presentation packet, 77
Q statements, 38–55
(See alsoQ statements)
recommendations, 71–74
references, 74–76
research, 57–68
(See alsoResearch)
skills inventory, 15–38
(See alsoSkills)
Preinterview checklist, 78
Presentation packet, 77
Problem-solving skills, 34
Professional development workshops,
Professional salary service, 130
Professional search firm, 119
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