An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States Ortiz

(darsice) #1

288 Index

property, 34 -36; as real estate,
55 , 141; sacred, 55, 15 2, 17 9-80,
206 -7, 211, 236 ; sale to settlers
of, 84 -86; and settler colonial­
ism, 2-10; stewards of the, 27 -30;
surveying and distribution of, 12 4;
in US history, 1-14; in US West or
Borderlands history, 7-8
land claims, 205-8
land grants, 123, I26-27, I40-4 2
Land Ordinance (I785), I2 4
land restitution, I75, I79-80, I81,
205-8, 25 8-59n5
The Last of the Mahicans (Cooper),
71, I03-4, 221
Lawrence, D. H., 94, 105, 227
Lawton, Henry W., I65
Leatherstocking Tales (Cooper), Io3,
Lee, Robert E., I33, 135
Lewis and Clark Expedition, 28,
12 0-2 1
liberty and empire, 10 5-6, I2 4
Liliuokalani (Queen of Hawai'i), I6 3
Lincoln, Abraham: and Civil War,
I 3 3; colonial policy prior to
military implementation under,
14 0-46; and "free soil" for settlers,
13 4-36; and genocidal army of the
West, 136 -40
Little Bighorn, 151 -52, I55
Little Crow, 136
Little House on the Prairie series,
252 -53m9
Little Turtle (Meshekinnoqquah), 8I,
83, 85
Little Wolf, I49
Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock (I 903 ), I8 9
"Long Walk," I38-3 9
"Lord Dunmore's War" (I774),
7I-7 2
"lost tribes," 233
Louisiana Purchase, 9 5-96; Daniel

Boone and, Io6; Cherokees and,
11I; conditions for statehood in,
I24; and Lewis and Clark, 12 0;
and Sioux Nation, I86
Lowell, James Russell, I 30, 13 I
"low-intensity conflict," 58
Lyons, Oren, 26

MacArthur, Arthur, 16 5
MacDonald, Peter, 2Io
Madison, James, 85 , 87, IOO
Magellan, Ferdinand, 4 3
Malisset people, 67
El Malpais, I 80
manifest destiny: and buffalo soldiers,
I47; challenge to concept of,
220; and General Allotment Act,
I57-61; Mexican War and, 130 ,
I 3 I; and multiculturalism, 5-6;
unconscious, 2-3; and US origin
myth, Io5-6; and US overseas
imperialism, 162 -67; Walt Whit­
man on, II8
Mankiller, Wilma, I08
Mann, Charles C., I5, 27, 28
Maroons, 23, 66, IOI
Marshall, John, 11 0, I99-200
Martinez, Miguel Alfonso, 20 5
Mason, John, 59, 62, 63
Mayan civilization, I8-19
Mayflower Compact, 49, 50
McGillivray, Alexander, 78
Mcintosh, Lachlan, 72 -7 3
McNickle, D'Arcy, I75, I76, I97
Means, Russell, I86
medicine, Indigenous, 17 , 246n3
Melville, Herman, Io3, I30
Menominee Nation, I75
mercantile capitalism, I43- 44
Merritt, Wesley E., I65
Meshekinnoqquah (Little Turtle), 8I,
83, 85
Mesoamerica, I7-2I
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