ANGKASA National Space Agency, Malaysia
ANITA Analyzing Interferometer for Ambient Air
Antigen Optimizing Heterologous Expression in Saccharomyces Yeast in Micro-
gravity based on the Example of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Synthesis
AO atomic oxygen
Physiological Parameters That Predict Orthostatic Intolerance After
APCF Advanced Protein Crystallization Facility
APEX Cambium Advanced Plant Experiments – Cambium
APEX-CSA2 Advanced Plant Experiment - Canadian Space Agency 2
APIS Analysis of Inertial Solid Properties
APRSAF Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum
APS Antibiotic Production in Space
Aquarius Embryonic Development of Amphibians in Weightlessness
Area PADLES Area PAssive Dosimeter for Life Science Experiments in Space
ARED Advanced Resistance Exercise Device
ARIS Active Rack Isolation System
ARISS Amateur Radio on the International Space Station
Aryl Effect of Spaceflight Factors on the Expression of Producer Strains of
Interleukin 1α, 1β, and Aryl
ASD air supply diffuser
Development of Methods and Onboard Equipment to Assure Aseptic
Conditions Performing Biotechnology Experiments During Manned
Space Flight
ASI Italian Space Agency
ASIA Analysis, Experimentation and Implementation Algorithms
AST-ir allatostatin-A immunoreactivity
Astrovaktsina Cultivating Escheria coli Producer of CAF1 Protein in Weightlessness
Arabidopsis thaliana in Space: Perception of Gravity, Signal
Transductions and Gravitresponse in Higher Plants
ATP adenosine triphosphate
ATU audio terminal unit
AuroraMAX (^) Coordinated Aurora Photography from Earth and Space
Avatar Explore
Autonomous Robotic Operations Performed from the International
Space Station
Bakteriofag Study of the Effects of Spaceflight Factors on Bacterophages
Selecting and Testing Procedures and Equipment for Detecting Locations
of Module Depressurization on the International Space Station
BARS brefeldin A-ADP ribosylated substrate
Bacterial Acclimation and Adaptation to the Space Environment