Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1

rate laws
first-order reactions, 686–694
half-life, 688–690, 701–702
initial reaction rate, 681
integrated rate laws, 686–688
orders, 683–685
pseudo rate constant, 692–693
rate constant, 683, 720–722
rate-determining step, 709–712
second-order reactions, 688–690, 693–694
steady-state approximation, 710–714
temperature dependence, 683, 702–706
transition-state theory, 719–725
Rayleigh, John W. S., 256
Rayleigh-Jeans law, 256–257
Rayleigh scattering, 511
reaction quotient
in chemical equilibrium, 124–125, 137
in ionic solutions, 233
in nonstandard potentials, 218–223
Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction, 718–719
biochemical reactions, 60–62, 85, 218
catalysis, 713–714, 783–788
chain reactions, 714–719
competing reactions, 696–702
concurrent reactions, 696–702
consecutive reactions, 696–702
electrochemical reactions, 210–213, 216–217, 221
elementary processes, 706–710
enzyme-catalyzed reactions, 713–714
equilibrium for simple reactions, 694–696
first-order reactions, 686–694
formation reactions, 54–55
half-reactions, 214–216
initial reaction rate, 681
nonstandard chemical reactions, 220–221
nuclear decay, 688–690, 701–702
oscillating reactions, 714–719
parallel reactions, 696–702
propagating reactions, 714–719
rate-determining step, 709–712
rate of reaction, 681–694
reaction profile, 720
redox reactions, 211–215
second-order reactions, 688–690, 693–694
temperature coefficient of reaction, 219
real gases
description, 7
fugacity, 110–113
ideal gas compared, 11
redox reaction, electrochemisty, 211–215

reflection plane, 420
representation of symmetry operations, 432–440
repulsion, charged particles, 207–209, 374, 404
repulsive range parameter, 757–758
resistance, 236
resistivity, 236
resonance integrals, 407
reverse osmosis, 201
reversible processes
Carnot cycle, 68–73, 94
description, 28–29, 75
entropy, 72–74, 92
Helmholtz energy, 92
right-hand rule, 561–562
Roentgen, Wilhelm, 740
root-mean-square speed, 657–658, 664–665
diatomic molecules, 466, 474, 479, 628–634
hydrogen atom central force problem, 352–353, 365
molecule rotation, 466–471, 482
observables, 347–352
polyatomic molecules, 466–467, 634–636
rotational degrees of freedom, 482–483
rotational temperature, 629–630, 635
three-dimensional rotations, 341–347
two-dimensional rotations, 333–341
rotational spectroscopy,see alsoelectronic spectroscopy;
vibrational spectroscopy
mechanisms, 473–479
molecule rotations, 466–471, 482
overview, 461–462, 514
rotational-vibrational spectroscopy, 506–511
selection rules, 471–473
Russell-Saunders coupling, electronic spectroscopy, 526–534
Rydberg, Johannes R., 250
Rydberg constant, 250, 262, 266, 357, 521

Sackur-Tetrode equation, 610
salt bridge, 214
sarin nerve gas, rotational spectrum, 476
saturated calomel electrode, 216
saturated solution, 185
scanning tunneling microscopy, 298–299
Schawlow, Arthur, 554
Schottky defect, 759
Schrödinger, Erwin, 269, 285
Schrödinger equation
for central force problem, 353
description, 285–289
harmonic oscillator, 318–320
for helium atom, 374–376, 413
for hydrogen-like ions, 357
in particle-in-a-box solution, 300–301


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