Attract And Seduce

(Elliott) #1

That's the basic concept. Also, just to be clear: Identity stories
should never come off as boasting, and should not be fictional. In other
words, don’t lie; live life and tell your real stories.

Here's a check-list of storytelling steps:

  1. State what you're talking about when you start your story.

  2. Tell a story by leading their emotions.

  3. End the story definitively.

Lessons in Action: Identity Storytelling

“You’re so passionate!” She stood between my legs as I sat in one of
the few open bar stools. She subtly rubbed her dancer’s body against my
inner thighs as she continued, “I’ve lived out here for two months, and
you’re the first person I’ve met who actually cares about other people,
who actually wants to have a conversation about something other than

I focused on her dark brown eyes as she spoke. Her face framed by
her ringlets of dark curls. The words continued flowing from her red lips,
but my focus wavered slightly as I realized what I had accomplished:

I had attracted the woman, who – from my perspective – was the
most beautiful woman in the bar.

“You just seem like a really cool person,” she said.

“You’re different,” she said.

What made me so different?

“I’m not different,” I replied. “I’m the exception.”
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