Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

In order to move back to stage three, a woman would have
to let her partner know that she didn’t feel the relationship
was going where she was going. She would need to let him
know that she loved him but that she did not want to be as
open and vulnerable to him. She would see him less and just
focus on how she could respond to what he gave her in the
most loving way she could.


If, however, she moves back to stage three and he does even-
tually realize that he wants to marry her, she may suddenly
feel resentful that he took so long to propose and then reject
him. Although she moved back to stage three so that he might
propose, when he does she suddenly has a change of heart.
She feels either angry with him or uncertain. Instead of being
receptive to his proposal, she rejects him.
While on Mars this doesn’t make sense, on Venus it does.
Sometimes a woman is so concerned about getting a man’s
love that she doesn’t realize how hurt she feels to be rejected.
She automatically suppresses her hurt and resentment. When
he finally does give her the love she wants, she is suddenly
faced with a surge of resentment and hurt or just feels a tem-
porary numbness.
These feelings must be handled very delicately. With this
new insight into the five stages, she can see beyond her imme-
diate reactions and realize that it is her hurt talking and not
her heart. If she doesn’t say yes to his proposal, she should as
least ask him to propose again in a month. By taking some time
to explore her feelings she can release her temporary feelings
of hurt and resentment and find the deeper soul love in her

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