Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

man at level one longs to touch, a woman at level three longs
to be touched.
At this level, when a woman already feels mental and emo-
tional chemistry, she will begin to feel physical attraction. Only
a few men at this stage will provide all three levels of chem-
istry. Many men may seem attractive to her, but only a few
will also stimulate her mentally and emotionally. By holding
to this standard in her relationships, she gives her discernment
a chance to grow.


As a result of her growing discernment, a woman eventually
develops her ability to experience soul attraction. She is able
to fall in love with a man who has stimulated her on all four
levels of attraction. She reaches level four, soul attraction, with
her heart open. She will begin to see many men as lovable, but
not necessarily the one for her.
To various degrees she could love these men, but she
gradually learns to recognize which of these men is the perfect
soul mate for her. Her open heart makes her capable of even-
tually seeing the good in her partner, even though he is neither
perfect nor able to fulfill all her needs.
As her love grows, she is able to discern whether he is right
for her, not because of his ability to be the perfect partner, but
because in herself she feels an unconditional love that recog-
nizes, “This is the person I am here to be with.” This realization
is not something that she has concluded on the basis of com-
parisons of what is available or what could be possible. Her
soul just knows.
While the couple will still experience the normal challenges
that any two people who don’t understand each other would
experience, there is a deep connection they keep com-

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