Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

standing of how men approach dating, not only can a woman
correctly interpret a man’s behaviors but she can interact in a
way that ensures her getting what she needs.
First of all, quite often it is the case that a man really enjoyed
going on a date, but he still doesn’t call the next day. His not
calling does not mean he doesn’t care. When a man doesn’t
call the next day, it is often because he is following another set
of instincts.


A woman instinctively expects a call because on Venus the
way you show someone you really care is to give some reas-
surance. A call letting her know you had a good time, in a tone
of voice conveying that you have warm and friendly feelings,
will generally do the trick. Venusians instinctively call each
other after spending some time together.

While it may be obvious on Venus,
a man needs to learn the importance of
calling to give a reassuring message.

For women, staying in contact is a way to show you really
care. When two women friends meet again after not having
talked in months or years, one of the first things they do is
apologize for not staying in touch. Yet this is not the case
between two guys. When two male buddies have not talked
in months or years, they are just happy to see each other. They
don’t even think about apologizing for not staying in touch.
When they get back together, it is as if one day has passed. Yet
when women get back together, they need to get reacquainted
before they feel really close.
This same principle is true between married men and

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