Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

they are unable to successfully nurture each other and get what
they need. The result of this is resentment.
When resentment builds, our different interests become
more extreme. We begin to polarize. These are some examples
of how resentment and polarization affect a relationship:

How Resentment Creates Polarization

She wants to go out; he becomes very tired.
He wants to go to a movie; she wants to go to a concert.
She wants to have Chinese food; he wants Italian.
He wants sex; she is not in the mood.
She wants to go for a walk; he wants to watch TV.
He is late for work; she wants to talk.

In each of these examples their interests and desires are po-
larized. When one person wants something, the other wants
something else.

When resentment builds, then our different
interests become more extreme.

The more we are polarized, the more interested we become
in the things our partners are not interested in. When resent-
ment is released with better communication, understanding,
and forgiveness, our differences do not show up as obstacles.

As we love our partners, over time we actually
start becoming more interested in their interests.

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