Dollinger index
A Framework for Entrepreneurship 9 Within these definitions, we might find the following common elements and charac- teristics: ...
10 ENTREPRENEURSHIP Creation and Innovation The term creationimplies a founding and an origin. Therefore, technically speaking, ...
A Framework for Entrepreneurship 11 do not seek growth, which distinguishes entrepreneurial firms from small businesses.^25 Do N ...
12 ENTREPRENEURSHIP egg? Is a business successful because it has targeted psychologically satisfied cus- tomers, or are the cust ...
A Framework for Entrepreneurship 13 despite the 1997 return of Hong Kong to the People’s Republic of China under the “one countr ...
14 ENTREPRENEURSHIP because the building was going high-tech. These tenants, however, had their freedoms too. Over the next seve ...
A Framework for Entrepreneurship 15 entrepreneur “has the intention of building a significant company that can create wealth for ...
16 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DIMENSIONS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP New Venture Creation This book is concerned with entrepreneurship as the form ...
A Framework for Entrepreneurship 17 Peace of Mind Goes Digital Jeremiah Hutchins says he had many ideas for new business venture ...
18 ENTREPRENEURSHIP in general) for the field to be considered a “sure thing.” In fact, any guidance obtained from a book is pro ...
A Framework for Entrepreneurship 19 in the Gaza strip (now a dormant resource) would become one of the premier vacation resorts ...
20 ENTREPRENEURSHIP buying power of customers. Some of these changes are predictable, because people who will be older are alrea ...
A Framework for Entrepreneurship 21 from his or her abilities to be an entrepreneur. Personal experience, knowledge, educa- tion ...
22 ENTREPRENEURSHIP Sam Walton’s 10 Best Rules Sam Walton was born in 1918 and died in In his lifetime, he built the largest, m ...
A Framework for Entrepreneurship 23 are those inherent in any competitive marketplace. The entrepreneur can overcome these const ...
24 ENTREPRENEURSHIP vice’s quality concerns the function that it is intended to serve. Anything that inhibits that function detr ...
A Framework for Entrepreneurship 25 decisions based on their current situations. The ability to understand many facets of qualit ...
26 ENTREPRENEURSHIP as individuals with unique personal resources. They were able to enter industries that appeared to have powe ...
A Framework for Entrepreneurship 27 and the strategies they employ. This resource-based theory is described in greater detail in ...
28 ENTREPRENEURSHIP Many of the students who excel in accounting, marketing, or finance will spend most of their careers working ...
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