Lisa Wilber
there is no doubt about that. I think th at in the beginning, the problem
was th at I didn’t have any belief in myself. I didn’t think that I could do
it and I didn’t see myself as anything but a “trailer park person.” I don’t
know h ow I got into that mind-set, it was just being that poor. I’ll just
give you an example.
I was in the trailer one day waiting for the electric guy again; I kept
ge tting the electric shut off because I didn’t have enough money to pay
the bill. If you call the electric company they say, “Well, you can
have thirty more days if y ou meet the guy with your cash before he
gets up the pole, you can get a nother thirty days without gett ing it shut
off. So I waited for the guy, but the phone rang and I missed him.
So I ran outside when I did see him up the pole, and I said “Wait a
minute, I’ve got the cash here, I’ve got the cash!” and the disgusted look
he gave me on his face showed that he was thinking, “Oh, you trai ler
park lady.” It was just so humiliating. I think that does something to
your self-esteem.
I didn’t want to be that t railer park lady. I ’m always having to make
sure that I work on myself so that I don’t sabotage myself. As my
checks have gotten bigger, I have to make sure that I feel that I’m worth
th at kind of money. If I don’t, I’ll sabotage myself and my checks go
back down. So I’m always having to work on myself.
If self-esteem and atti tude are so important, how would you suggest
our readers work on theirs?
There are lots of ways to do it and I think you have to do whatever
fits you individually. One of the things I do is to read often. As a matter
of fact, I have a motto—I read more than anyone else I know
personally. When I do that, I probably will be earning more than
anybody else I know.
Some of the books that have meant a lot to me include, The Success
Principles, by Jack Canfield and Live Your Dreams, Les Brown. I love
Les Brown’s audio tapes, too. He says, “You’ve Gotta Be hungry!” I
love that. There is the One Minute Millionai re by Mark Victor Hansen.
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