Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

(backadmin) #1

down. Turned out that the vice president from (company name) was a guy that I had worked very
heavily with on (said ‘look, what I think we need to do is join forces. project) and so I called him up and
And when I add somebody to my board, legally they can’t be a full member of the board but they’re
going to be a consultant, they’re going to see and hear everything that we do, that I’m legally entitled
to do that’ and told them what they couldn’t do. And said ‘if you do that, you guys can write your
own report at the end, but what I’d like you to do is to have one investigation. You guys can keep your
own notes; you can share our discussions and everything else.’ It turned out they never wrote
another report. We gave them our drafts and they said ‘hey, this is completely fair.’ We had a very
similar conversation on the (case, I didn’t have a pre-existing relationship with facility) side. In that
the guy I was going to be working with directly, but I had with the next level up and just said ‘hey, I’d
like to not think of these as separate boards. Can we work that?’ And he said ‘sure, let’s talk about it.’
And so it was the trust we’d built up toinitial conversations and say ‘let’s try it.’ And then have the
of course you have to followwith whatever you said you’d do because if you told -through and follow-up
people ‘you’re going to be involved’ you got to have them involved or they’re going to be perfectly
justified in saying ‘well, that’s not what we were told was going to happen – we’re standing up our
own board.’ So those relationships were important in getting through the very first bits and pieces and
frankly, I think it got us through som(name) started opening up a fraud investigation, that e stuff that the
(trusting relationships were pretty damn important name) was opening up a fraud investigation and the
with the folks in these institutions for them to

(^) Join forces
See and hear
(^) Fairness
Relationships important

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