Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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25 Biochemistry of Milk Processing 477

further slow acidification by starter bacteria. To prevent the lat-
ter, and thereby extend the shelf life of yoghurt, the final product
may be pasteurised after acidification; to prevent damage to the
gel structure at this point, the role of hydrocolloid or protein
stabilisers is critical (Walstra et al. 1999).

Acid-Heat Coagulated Cheeses

These cheeses were produced initially in Southern European
countries from whey as a means of recovering nutritionally valu-
able whey proteins; their production involves heating whey from
rennet-coagulated cheese to approximately 90◦C to denature and
coagulate the whey proteins. Well-known examples are Ricotta
and Manouri. Today, such cheeses are made from blends of milk
and whey, and in this case, it is necessary to adjust the pH of
the blend to approximately 5.2 using vinegar, citrus juice or
fermented milk.
Acid-heat coagulated cheese may also be produced from
whole milk by acidifying to pH 5.2 and heating to 90◦C, for
example US-style Queso Blanco, which does not melt on heat-
ing and hence has interesting functional properties for certain


Range of Whey Products

For many centuries, whey was often viewed as an unwanted
and valueless by-product of cheese manufacture; however, since
around 1970, whey has been repositioned as a valuable source
of a range of food ingredients, rather than a disposal problem.
While part of the impetus for this strategic re-evaluation of the
potential of whey was driven by environmental and other con-
cerns about the disposal of a product of such a high Biological
Oxygen Demand, it has resulted in a previously unsuspected
richness and diversity of products, and a significant new pro-
cessing sector of the dairy industry (Sienkiewicz and Riedel
1990, Jelen 2002).
The first stage in the production of any whey product is pre-
liminary purification of the crude whey, recovered after cheese
or casein manufacture. Fresh whey is classified as either sweet,
with a pH>5.6 and a low calcium content, or acid whey, with
a pH of around 4.6 and high calcium content; the difference
in calcium content arises from the solubilisation of colloidal
calcium phosphate as the pH of the milk decreases. Common
pre-treatments include centrifugal clarification to remove curd
particles (fines), and pasteurisation (to inactivate starter LAB).
For many whey protein-based products, removal of all lipids
is desirable; this can be achieved by centrifugal separation to
produce whey cream, which may be churned into whey butter.
To obtain a very low level of lipids, calcium chloride may be
added to the whey, with adjustment of the pH to more alka-
line values, followed by heating and cold storage to precipitate
and remove lipoprotein complexes (thermocalcic aggregation;
Karleskind et al. 1995).
The next level of processing technology applied to the pre-
treated whey depends on the end product to be manufactured.

The simplest whey products are probably whey beverages, con-
sisting of clarified whey, typically blended with natural or con-
centrated fruit juices. Whey beverages have a nutritionally ben-
eficial amino acid profile; although not widely commercialised,
such drinks have been successful in some European countries
(e.g., Rivella in Switzerland).
Whey may be concentrated by evaporation and spray-dried
to whey powders. The key consideration in spray-drying whey
is the constraints imposed by the fact that the major constituent
of whey is lactose (typically,>75% of whey solids). Thus, pro-
cesses for drying whey must include controlled crystallisation
of lactose to yield small crystals (30–50μm). This is typically
achieved by controlled cooling of concentrated (i.e., supersatu-
rated with respect to lactose) whey under a programmed temper-
ature regime, with careful stirring and addition of seed crystals,
typically ofα-lactose monohydrate, followed by holding un-
der conditions sufficient to allow crystallisation to proceed. In
general, only approximately 70% of the lactose present will crys-
tallise at this stage, and processes often include a post-drying
crystallisation stage, for example on a belt attached to the spray-
dryer, where the remainder crystallises.
The simplest dried whey product is whey powder, which is
produced in a single-stage spray-dryer. Additional care must be
taken in drying acid whey products, which may be sticky; the
corrosive nature of the acids (e.g., HCl) used in their manufacture
may also present processing difficulties and such products may
be neutralised prior to drying.
Whey powders may be unsuitable for use in certain food appli-
cations (e.g., infant formulae) due to their high mineral content;
in such cases, whey is demineralised by ion exchange or elec-
trodialysis before concentration and dialysis (for a discussion of
the technologies involved, see Burling 2002). Demineralisation
of whey is also desirable for use in ice cream production, to
reduce the salty taste of normal whey powder.

Whey-Protein-Rich Products

Whey powder has a low (approximately 12–15%) protein con-
tent and a high (approximately 75%) lactose content; many whey
products have been at least partially purified to increase the level
of a particular constituent, usually protein (Matthews 1984).
There is a family of protein-enriched whey-derived powders,
which are differentiated based on the level of protein; whey pro-
tein concentrates (WPCs) with a protein content in the range
35–80%, and whey protein isolates (WPIs) with a protein con-
tent>88%. Typically, WPCs are produced by UF, with protein
being progressively concentrated in the retentate, while lactose,
salts and water are removed in the permeate (Ji and Haque 2003).
Higher protein levels can be achieved by diafiltration, that is, di-
lution of the retentate followed by UF. The use of ion exchangers
to adsorb the proteins from whey, followed by selective release
into suitable buffer solutions, is required to achieve the high
degree of purity required of WPIs.
Methods for the purification of individual whey proteins have
been developed, usually exploiting differences in the stability
of individual proteins under specific conditions of pH, temper-
ature and ionic salts. In addition, methods involving organic
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