Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

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(^330) 2. a. 200 T4 cells/mm b. Middle Stage (Category 2) Chronic HIV Disease (499 to c.^ ●vague, and are similar to those sometimes seen in mono-nucleosis. Symptoms of acute HIV infection include fever, mya lg ia, ma la ise, ly mphadenopat hy, sore t h roat , a norex ia, nausea and vomiting, headaches, skin rash, and diarrhea (Hare, 2006). Most symptoms resolve in 1 to 3 weeks, with the exception of fever, myalgia, lymphadenopathy, and malaise, which may continue for several months. HIV infection may develop a generalized lymphadenopa-Seroconversion. often identifiantibodies in the blood, most often is detected between 6 and 12 weeks. Most people show positive for HIV by Persistent Generalized Lymphadenopathy. up to 6 months. The time between infection and serocon-version is called the that occurs from 6 days to 6 weeks after exposure to the virus. The symptoms have an abrupt onset, are somewhat Asymptomatic Infection.and children than it is in an asymptomatic stage. Probably the largest number of HIV-infected individuals fall within this group. Individu-als may remain in this asymptomatic stage for 10 years or longer. The progression of the illness is faster in infants 3 months after infection. In some individuals it may take^ SPECIAL TOPICS IN PSYCHIATRIC ed by a characteristic syndrome of symptoms (^3) )Seroconversion, the detectability of HIV window period. The acute infection progresses Clients with
2 2506_Ch19_329-340.indd 0330 506 Ch 19 329 - 340 .ind 3. d 0 b. b. a. c. mmLate Stage (Category 3) Clinical AIDS ( 330 rhea, fatigue, minor oral infections, headaches.Opportunistic Infections. of a related infectious disease.those that occur because of the altered immune state of the host. These infections, which include protozoan, fungal, viral, and bacterial infections, have long been a tions in the body (usually the neck, armpit, and groin) defithy, in which lymph nodes in at least two different loca-threatening opportunistic infection seen in clients with AIDS is Systemic Complaints. HIV Wasting Syndrome. AIDS-Related Malignancies. swell and remain swollen for months, with no other signs are at risk for developing certain types of malignancies. volume diarrhea, fever, and weakness. Involuntary weight loss of more than 10% of baseline body weight is common.^3 ) ning characteristic of AIDS. The most common, life-pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP).Fever, night sweats, chronic diar-Opportunistic infections are Severe weight loss, large-HIV-positive individuals <200 T4 cell/ 1 10/1/10 9:37:39 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 37 : 39 AM

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