166 The Spiritual Life.
deals with facts as sanction for righteousness,
andthusRe-incarnationoncemore comesinin
ordertoshowus thatonlybyright living can
progress be made, that if selfishness is to be
eradicated unselfish acts must be performed,
selfish thoughts must be destroyed, for in re-
evil and thus discover tendencies to good.
Thus we remove arbitrariness from the moral
world b)^ knowledge of self. Knowledge has
removed it from the physical. Thuswe take
awayall the doubt and the hope thatsprings
fromthedoubt,thatwe mayescapetheresults
of our own actions and creep into unearned
blissbysomeside doorof vicariousatonement,
where we have not laboured and where we
have notwrought. We learn that each must
walk on his own feet-that each man must
growbyhisown effort. Thoughbrothersouls
musthelphim,hemustalsohelphimself. For
Truthdoes not need invertebratepeoplesaved
bythegoodnessof another. Truthneedsmen
have acquired for themselves, strong that by
theirexample the stillweakermaybeinspired,
and gradually each one may show himself