The Future that Awaits Us.
JlnJiddressgiven beforetheLondonLodgeofthe
TheosophicalSocietyonNovember25th, 1895.
'T'O-NIGHT I propose to speak toyouon
"*" humanevolution,leadingyouonwards to
the future that lies before the race, and en-
deavouringto guide youstep bystep-though
thestepswill be somewhat long ones-upthe
staircase which, through the ages, the race
will climb. In order to do this intelligibly I
mustcarry your thoughts backwardsforafew
moments over ground that will be familiar to
youas students ofoursublimephilosophy, and
Imayrun overit hastily becauseitisfamihar,
thoughtheglanceoveritisnecessary as apre-
liminaryreminder even for those whoalready
knowthefacts,inorder that wemayhavethe
whole great schemebefore usfromthe begin-
ning to the end ofthe Manvantara.
Thinkthenforamoment,so far as thought
ofauniverse,whenfromthegreat LoGOSfrom
Whom the universe proceeded there issued
that Breath which comes forth but oncein a