The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

294 The SpiritualLife.

feelingthe oneness,instead of dwellingon the

circumferenceandseeingthemultiplicity. Then

allthathasbeen felt ofservice to thoseabove

usand compassion to those below us takesa

new aspect, foreshadowmga yet moreperfect

unity -theunityof those whoare higherand,

just because theyare higher, who realise their

onenesswith all below,seeingmankind In the

unity of Its spiritual nature Instead of In the

diversity of Its material manifestations. Then

outflows that compassion that sees Itself and

knows Itself in everyhuman soul,that under-

standsalland thereforeisabletohelpall,that

feelswith all and thereforeis abletoraiseall,


the possibilities that to it are actualities,seeing

ineverymanwhat heisinreality,notwhathe

is in appearance,seeing himas hewill be(as

weshouldsay)inthe future,as heeternallyis

in the eyes of those who know. There In-

comprehensible problems find simple solution,

and thingsthat seem unknowablecomewithin

thelimits of the knowable; man,rising higher

and higher, finds wisdom more far-reaching,

power mightier, love more all-embracing, till


could beno higherclimbing, no greater possi-

bilitiesto berealised. Then before it unfolds

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