Biodiversity Conservation and Phylogenetic Systematics
190 Appendix Table 3 Objectivefunctionandconstraintsoftaxonselectionproblemsforthepheasantexample Maximize λλ 11 yy+...+ 2020 (1 ...
191 Table 3 (continued) Budget constraint: cx cx cx B PBPB++PCPC ...+GVGV≤ (6) Viabilityconstraints: xx PB′′ PE (7) xxPC≤+GG xGV ...
192 Table 4 Objective function and constraints of reserve selection problems for the pheasant example.DuetothefactthatG. gallus ...
193 References BallIR,PossinghamHP,WattsM(2009)Marxanandrelatives:softwareforspatialconservation prioritisation.In:MoilanenA,Wil ...
194 KembelSW,CowanPD,HelmusMR,CornwellWK,MorlonH,AckerlyDD,BlombergSP,Webb CO(2010) Picante: Rtoolsfor integratingphylogenies an ...
195 WangN,KimballRT,BraunEL,LiangB,ZhangZW(2013)Assessingphylogeneticrelationships amongGalliformes:amultigenephylogenywithexpan ...
© The Author(s) 2016 197 R. Pellens, P. Grandcolas (eds.), Biodiversity Conservation and Phylogenetic Systematics, Topics in Bio ...
198 Introduction Phylogenetic Diversity (PD) is a simple, intuitive and effective measure of biodiver- sity. The PD of a set of ...
199 sampling effort in some sense, they are not equivalent and sampling curves derived from them must be interpreted differently ...
200 individuals-based rarefaction curves, but it has since been shown that the same solu- tion applies to sample-based rarefacti ...
201 Formulation To begin, the classic rarefaction formula for species richness will be reviewed in order to demonstrate how it c ...
202 In the original definition intended by Faith ( 1992 ), the PD of a subset of species is calculated by summing the branch len ...
203 expected PD of Faith ( 2013 ) but differs in that random draws are without replace- ment following the hypergeometric distri ...
204 Underthesecircumstances,oj is equal to the sum of xij (over all species) as ni will always equal 1, and N is equal to S. Sub ...
205 It follows that we can also define measures of phylogenetic evenness and phylo- genetic beta-diversity using the initial slo ...
206 In all these applications, I have used published data on mammals. This is princi- pallyforconvenienceasmammals(Bininda-Emond ...
207 050100 150200 0 50 100 150 200 250 No. of individuals Phylogenetic Diversity (Ma) Fig. 3 An example of standardisation of Ph ...
208 Phylogenetic Evenness The extension of PD rarefaction to ∆PD allows for the measurement of phyloge- netic evenness, which is ...
209 first, we can divide ∆PD by PIE to get the expected branch length of that species (conditional on the second individual bein ...
210 beta-diversity for a set of samples of any size via the ∆PD measure, which is a phy- logenetic analogue of the additive part ...
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